Nuorten kirjoja, Louise Alcott, Plumfieldin pojat, Books fort the young, Alcott, Boys of Plumfield ARTICLE

Title Nuorten kirjoja, Louise Alcott, Plumfieldin pojat, Books fort the young, Alcott, Boys of Plumfield
Is same as work Nuorten kirjoja, Louise Alcott, Plumfieldin pojat,
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Author Lydecken, Arvid
Date 1919
Notes ['The article written in Aika 10/1919 tells: "Page after page we read about noble, very noble people. Sometimes there is a tumble, and the sequences are very sad. There are many heroes and heroines. I cannot avoid to compare to the domestic novels by Anni Swan and Mary Marck. How much living life there is and how much closer they are to us an our idea about the needs of the living young when it comes to books. Louise May Alcott, the American female writer (1833–88), is almost a classic. A couple of generations has red her books during the long and silent evenings, when there is plenty of time. There wouldn\'t be much harm if we would leave these books were left out to dry, to the other side of the ocean! Instead of one of these we could take two or three domestic ones." JWaug16']
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