A Word about "Ouida" ARTICLE England
Title | A Word about "Ouida" |
Is same as work | A Word about "Ouida" |
Part of work | |
Author | Mackay, Mary |
Reference | |
Place | England |
Date | 1890 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['On Ouida\'s article about Shelley:\r\n\r\n"It is the reckless expression of impulse, and, rash as it may be, is more commendable than the cold-blooded casuistry of Mrs. Mona Caird, who has recently made what seems like a deliberate and dispassionate magazine-appeal for universal poligamy!" (p. 370)\r\n\r\n(AsK jan2011)'] |
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