Jubilej Marije Konopnicke The Jubilee of Maria Konopnicka ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Jubilej Marije Konopnicke The Jubilee of Maria Konopnicka
Is same as work Jubilej Marije Konopnicke
Part of work
Author Aškerc, Anton
Place Slovenia
Date 1902
Notes ['On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Konopnicka’s writing career, the Slovenian poet Anton Aškerc presents the Polish author as a “great genius of a Slavic woman”. Aškerc mediates the opinion of Polish people about their female author. For instance, Aškerc writes that according to Adam Mickiewicz, Konopnicka deserves well of the development of Polish poetic language and that others considered her as an exemplary Polish woman and defender of national rights. As to her life, Aškerc says that she spent most of her childhood in solitude, reading the Holy Bible and the old Polish poets. Later on, he adds, Konopnicka travelled almost all around Europe. \nHERA_TestTB2015']

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