Recollections of Felicia L : containing interesting narratives of extraordinary facts, original anecdotes of the royal family of France, of celebrated litterary characters, and other distinguished personages WORK

Title Recollections of Felicia L : containing interesting narratives of extraordinary facts, original anecdotes of the royal family of France, of celebrated litterary characters, and other distinguished personages
Is same as work Recollections of Felicia L : containing interesting narratives of extraordinary facts, original anecdotes of the royal family of France, of celebrated litterary characters, and other distinguished personages
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1808
Notes ['Source: Catálogo Colectivo\r\nMCL Nov2013 HERA']
In this reception

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Via received works
Les Souvenirs de Felicie L*** [Recollections of Felicia L] Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de