Bøn til Taalmodighet Prayer for patience UNKNOWN

Title Bøn til Taalmodighet Prayer for patience
Is same as work Bøn til Taalmodighet
Part of work
Author Buchholm, Magdalene Sophie
Date 1794
Notes ['abrApr17:\nA poem, which together with two other texts from Poesier, 1793, was included in Simon Poulsen\'s anthology New Year\'s Gift for Ladies, 1794\n\n\nforfurtherdiscussion:\nHi Anne Birgitte, for me this would clearly be "anthologizing".\nsvd 20-4-17\n\nYou are quite right about the two poems which were also in Poesier, they are anthologised - but I do not figure out how to put that in. \nAs for Bøn til Taalmodighet, the poem was first published here - thus simply a work, no reception relation. \n']
is edition of Poesier
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Poesier Buchholm, Magdalene Sophie