*Mention on Anne Radcliffe ARTICLE England

Title *Mention on Anne Radcliffe
Is same as work *Mention on Anne Radcliffe
Part of work
Author Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
Place England
Date 1815
Notes ['via De Gids (NL): see reception on author Barbauld - jws 0707.\n\nBarbauld reviewed Radcliffe:\n\n"En Mrs. Barbauld, die Ann\nRadcliffe recenseerde zegt: „The author seems perfectly to\nunderstand that obscurity as Burke has asserted, is a strong\ningrediënt in the sublime; a face shrouded in a cowl; a narrative\nsuddenly suspended; deep guilt half revealed; the untold\nsecrets of a prison-house; the terrific shape, if shape it might\nbe called, that shape had none distinguishable; — all these\naffect the mind more powerfully than any regular or distinct\nimages of danger or of woe".”\n\nnot known when and in which paper.\nyear estimated.']

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None Radcliffe, Ann
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