Barn- och ungdomslitteratur Children's and young adult's literature ARTICLE

Title Barn- och ungdomslitteratur Children's and young adult's literature
Is same as work Barn- och ungdomslitteratur
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1895
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 13.12.1895 says: "Price 2,25. This is one of those usual english books for girls where are girls that come home from the boarding school for the holidays and another young girl who is trying to replace her mother at home. There is even the loyal maid who is always glad and happily looks after the young people who have been out of range. \'Ros och tistel\' has a big advantage to many of the last years english books written for girls, for it is free and without sentimentality, instead it is exciting and sweet for example what comes to the relationship between the small siblings Lorrimer. The heroiness Antoine\'s appearance when trying to save the neighbour\'s property for being sold seems in some small details a bit unpleasant, especially her conversation with Susy, although she otherwise is promising raw material. We believe that the book, that actually is a sequel to an earlier work \'Annie Forest\' - although they can be red separately - is very enjoyable for girls about 11-13 years old. ---\'Ros och tistel\' should be a more loved christmas gift for the young ones, although this has the advantage that it is cheeper." JWmar16']
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Ros och tistel. Berättelse för unga flickor Emma Silfverstolpe