Marya Konopnicka Maria Konopnicka ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Marya Konopnicka Maria Konopnicka
Is same as work Marya Konopnicka
Part of work
Author Prijatelj, Ivan
Place Slovenia
Date 1902
Notes ['author: Ivan Prijatelj.\nkmpoct11\n\nThe literary historian Ivan Prijatelj outlines Konopnicka as a “great talent”, “a well-educated lady, an entirely modern woman” who obtained a place “among the most excellent notabilities of Polish Parnassus”. He continues describing her figure as if she was a myth: “In her appearance she reminds us a little of the ladies of the late Renaissance, and of those witty women who were incorporating German romantic writers during the period of their most intensive creativity in their literary salons, and writing literary journals, full of fine observations.” Prijatelj also indicates the well-known Polish authors, such as Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz, who contributed to her inspiration. Regarding her passion for travelling, she is compared to Madame de Staël. Lastly, Konopnicka’s altruism and compassion to the poor are featured. \nHERA_TestTB2015']

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