* article in Leeskabinet ARTICLE

Title * article in Leeskabinet
Is same as work * article in Leeskabinet
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1853
Notes ['‘it cannot be denied however that Uncle Tom’s Cabin, as a work of art, is very imperfect and has great flaws […] it is first too rambling, then too superficial, and the conclusion hurtles towards a dénouement which is as banal as the conclusion of a vaudeville’. But generally, the reviewers condone these flaws, which ‘disappear under the moral greatness, the profound sensitivity and the ardent love of truth which dominate every page and make the book a masterpiece.’\n\nQuoted from Irene Visser in Van Dijk e.a. (eds.), "I have heard about you", Hilversum, 2004.']
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Via received works
Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly Stowe, Harriet Elisabeth Beecher