*Mention in Art. on Susanna Maria Boëseken: Hillegonde, […] ARTICLE Netherlands

Title *Mention in Art. on Susanna Maria Boëseken: Hillegonde, […]
Is same as work *Mention in Art. on Susanna Maria Boëseken: Hillegonde, […]
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Netherlands
Date 1853
Notes ['via T. Streng: Geschapen om te scheppen? (1997), p.61, p.121\n\nJournalist R-p. (Nederlandsch athenaeum 1853 p.13-15) comments on the good psychological description of characters. This is better in works written by women than by men. He also points to Bosboom-Toussaint, Henriëtte Maria L***, George Sand, Bettina von Arnim and Charlotte Brontë.']

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mentions person Sand, George (pseud.)
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