The Siege Of Calais, an Historical Novel. Translated from the French WORK

Title The Siege Of Calais, an Historical Novel. Translated from the French
Is same as work The Siege Of Calais, an Historical Novel. Translated from the French
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1751
Notes ['concerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman NOT an title page}\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\nno further paratext\r\n\r\nIncipit:\r\n"Mr. de Vienne, descended from one of the most illustrious Families in _Burgundy_, had but one daughter by his Marriage with Madam _de Chauvirey_.\r\nMadame _de Vienne_\'s Birth, Fortune, and great Beauty, soon made all those her declared Lovers who could pretend to a Person of her Rank. Mr. _de/\r\n2\r\nGranson_, her Equal in Birth, was preferred to his Rivals; though he was very agreeable, and much in love, he had not gained Madame _de Vienne_\'s Heart; but her virtue made up for her want of love, and she behaved so well to her Husband, that he believed she liked him..."\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
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Le Siège de Calais, nouvelle historique Tencin, Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin de