Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe (1811 - 1896)

Short name Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe
First name Harriet Elisabeth
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Christopher Crowfield , Christopher Crawford
Date of birth 1811
Date of death 1896
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in United States
Place of residence notes
Related to Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Beauvoir, Deuxième sexe, 1949 (ed.Folio 1976, p. 214, 225) - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Stowe''s life and literary career are in many ways both paradigm and pinnacle of 19th-century US women writers". - van den Berg/Couttenier 2009, 494, 675 - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 841. - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers, 2011 - Vaessens, Geschiedenis van de moderne Nederlandse literatuur, 2013, p. 189, 205, 214, 223
Provisional Notes Born in Litchfield, Connecticut (14-06-1811) Father was preacher Lyman Beecher. Married to Calvin Ellis Stowe (1836). 7 children, including twin daughters. Lost son Samuel Charles after 18 months. One of the first editors of Hearth and Home (weekly magazine published 1868-1875). Mark Twain, in his autobiography, recalled about Stowe's later life: "Her mind had decayed, and she was a pathetic figure." The Washington Post reported in 1888 that Stowe started "writing Uncle Tom's Cabin over again. She imagined that she was engaged in the original composition, and for several hours every day she industriously used pen and paper, inscribing passages of the book almost exactly word for word." -- See Wikipedia. KLK 1904
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence United States