Marie Rose Blaze de Bury (1813 - 1894)

Short name Marie Rose Blaze de Bury
First name Marie
Birth name Rose Blaze de Bury
Married name
Alternative name Marie Pauline Rose Stewart , Baronne Blaze de Bury , Hamilton Murray , Arthur Dudley
Date of birth 1813
Date of death 1894
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Scotland
Place of death France
Lived in England , France
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marie Rose Blaze de Bury was ...
Place(s) of Residence England , France
Receptions of Marie Rose Blaze de Bury, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
- Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "She was believed to be the illegitimate daughter of an English Lord". - Munch-Petersen : voornamen Marie Pauline Rose
Year of birth according to BnF. According to CERL of Scottish descent. KLK 1904