Bouée, Marie-Elisabeth (1737 - 1794)

Short name Bouée, Marie-Elisabeth
First name Marie-Elisabeth
Birth name Bouée
Married name
Alternative name Marie-Elisabeth La Fite - Bouée
Date of birth 1737
Date of death 1794
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death -
Lived in Netherlands , France , England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Bouée, Marie-Elisabeth was ...
related to Burney, Frances
related to La Roche, Sophie von
related to Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands , France , England
Receptions of Bouée, Marie-Elisabeth, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Euphrosyne Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1832 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Briquet - Heinemeyer A-B 399, F-Ha 37; (qui donne cette date de naissance, et renvoie à "Mensch.Lex. B III, p.377-8") - Haag, La France protestante - Sgard, DP, p.160 - Clarissa Campbell Orr, entry in Oxford DNB - MMF transl.woman svdmay11 Cf. - Louis-Marie Meschinet de Richemond, "Mme de La Fite, lectrice de la reine Charlotte et gouvernante des princes d'Angleterre (1727-1797)", Revue Chrétienne 25 (1878), 243-252. - Ineke Janse: Traveller, Pedagogue and Cultural Mediator: Marie-Elisabeth de La Fite and her Female Context. in Montoya, Gilleir, van Dijk, 2010 - Ineke Janse, Marie-Elisabeth de La Fite: une autre éducatrice et femme de lettres cosmopolite, in Cahier Isabelle de Charrière 2011
Mention_in_PamelaL.Cheek,Heroines-and-Local-Girls_2019 Cheek-Heroines-2019 Cheek Checked with CERL (NB error in CERL for date of birth, svd oct10). According to BnF, born in Paris, died in London. Lived in The Hague and London. Born in Hamburg (or Altona), 21-8-1737, Huguenote. According to De Richemond (1878), she was the daughter of Alexandre Boué and Marie-Elisabeth Cottin, born in Hamburg 21 August 1737 ("date donnée par MM. Haag et Quérard, plus exacts que M. Weiss, qui fait naître Mme de La Fite à Paris, vers 1750)". Even though De Richemond has the death date wrong, he at least gives a complete birth date and the name of her parents. La Fite died in late 1794 or early 1795 (letter from La Roche to Jean-Andre de Luc, 30 Jan. 1795). She spelled her maiden name with only one e, Boué, in letters to Lavater. (info Mary Lynn Grant). Femme du pasteur Jean Daniel de La Fite, La Haye (pasteur à la cour d'Orange, 1719-1781); depuis 1777: dame régente de la maison de charité wallonne à La Haye (cf panneau dans l' église wallonne; svd, 2004) jul12tb Married to protestant minister. 2 children. Contributed to Bibliothèque des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts. Writer of conduct literature. Belonged to the circle of "Muses and Graces" around Klopstock, who admired her; Clarissa Campbell Orr, oct. 2006. Working as a governess once widowed (à partir de 1781 lectrice de la reine Charlotte pour le français et l'allemand, gouvernante française de la princesse Elisabeth) niet-in-Wikipedia-8-3-2020