Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann (1771 - 1855)

Short name Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/19695644/
First name Dorothy Mae Ann
Birth name Wordsworth
Married name
Date of birth 1771
Date of death 1855
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth England
Place of death -
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann was ...
related to Wordsworth, William
related to Wordsworth, Mary
related to Maria Jane Jewsbury
Place(s) of Residence England
Receptions of Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Unknown maker, Drawing of Dorothy Wordsworth in middle age None is portrait of
- Alexander, Meena. 1988. Dorothy Wordsworth: the Grounds of Writing. Women’s Studies 14: 195-210. - Alexander, Meena. 1989. Women in Romanticism: Mary Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth and Mary Shelley. Houndmills: Macmillan. - Blades, John. 2004. Wordsworth and Coleridge: Lyrical Ballads. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. - Boden, Helen. 1995. Introd. to The Continental Journals. By Dorothy Wordsworth. Ed. Helen Boden. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. v-xliv. - Brownstein, Rachel Mayer. 1973. The Private Life: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals. Modern Language Quarterly 34 (1): 48-63. - Butler, James A. 1997. William and Dorothy Wordsworth, “Emma”, and a German Translation in the Alfoxden Notebook. Studies in Romanticism 36 (2): 157-71. - Comitini, Patricia. 2003. “More than Half a Poet”: Vocational Philantropy in Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journals. European Romantic Review 14 (3): 307-22. - Crisafulli, Lilla Marie. 2007. Within or Without? Problems of Perspective in Charlotte Smith, Anna Laetitia Barbauld and Dorothy Wordsworth. Romantic Women Poets: Genre and Gender. Eds. Lilla Marie Crisafulli and Cecilia Pietropoli. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. 35-62. - Crangle, Sara. 2004. “Regularly Irregular... Dashing Water”: Navigating the Stream of Consciousness in Wordsworth’s The Grasmere Journals. Journal of Narrative Theory 34 (2): 146-72. - Darbishire, Helen. 1991. Introd. to Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford University Press: Oxford, New York. xi-xx. - Darlington, Beth, ed. 1982. The Love Letters of William and Mary Wordsworth. London: Chatto and Windus. - Davis, Robert Con. 1978. The Structure of the Picturesque: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals. The Wordsworth Circle 9: 45-49. - De Quincey, Thomas. 1986. Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets. Ed. David Wright. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. - Ehnenn, Jill. 1999. Writing against, Writing through: Subjectivity, Vocation, and Authorship in the Work of Dorothy Wordsworth. South Atlantic Review 64 (1): 72-90. - Fadem, Richard. 1978. Dorothy Wordsworth: A View from Tintern Abbey. The Wordsworth Circle 9: 17-32. - Gibson, Iris I. J. M. 1982. Illness of Dorothy Wordsworth. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) 285 (6357): 1813-15. - Gill, Stephen, ed. 2003 The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Gittings, Robert, and Jo Manton. 1985. Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford: Clarendon Press. - Gunn, Elizabeth. 1981. A Passion for the Particular. Dorothy Wordsworth: A Portrait. London: Victor Gollancz. - Hartman, Geoffrey H. 1965. Wordsworth, Inscriptions and Romantic Nature Poetry. From Sensibility to Romanticism: Essays Presented to Frederick A. Pottle. Eds. Frederick W. Hilles and Harold Bloom. London, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 389-414. - Heinzelman, Kurt. 1988. The Cult of Domesticity. Dorothy and William Wordsworth at Grasmere. Romanticism and Feminism. Ed. Anne K. Mellor. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 52-78. - Hill, Alan G. 1981. Introduction and Notes to Letters of Dorothy Wordsworth: A Selection. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xiii-xix. - Homans, Margaret. 1981. Eliot, Wordsworth, and the Scenes of the Sisters’ Instruction. Writing and Sexual Difference. Ed. Elizabeth Abel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 53-72. - Homans, Margaret. 1980. Women Writers and Poetic Identity: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, and Emily Dickinson. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. - Jaye, Michael C. 1978. William Wordsworth’s Alfoxden Notebook: 1798. The Evidence of the Imagination: Studies of Interactions between Life and Art in English Romantic Literature. Eds. Donald H. Reiman, Michael C. Jaye and Betty T. Bennett. New York: New York University Press. 42-85. - Jones, Kathleen. 1997. A Passionate Sisterhood: The Sisters, Wives and Daughters of the Lake Poets. London: Constable. - Jordan, John E. 1962. De Quincey to Wordsworth: A Biography of a Relationship. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. - Ketcham, Carl H. 1978. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals, 1824-1835. The Wordsworth Circle 9: 3-16. - Kroeber, Karl. 1974. “Home at Grasmere”: Ecological Holiness. PMLA 89 (1): 132-41. - Lee, Edmund. 1887. Dorothy Wordsworth: The Story of a Sister’s Love. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. - Levin, Susan M., ed. 2009. Dorothy Wordsworth: A Longman Cultural Edition. New York, San Francisco, Boston, London: Pearson Education. - Levin, Susan M. 1987. Dorothy Wordsworth and Romanticism. New Brunswick and London: Rutgers, State University. - Levin, Susan M. 1980. Subtle Fire: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Prose and Poetry. The Massachusetts Review 21 (2): 345-63. - Levin, Susan. 1978. Unpublished Poems from Dorothy Wordsworth’s Commonplace Book. The Wordsworth Circle 9: 33-44. - Lokke, Kari. 2009. “My Heart Dissolved in What I Saw”: Displacement of the Autobiographical Self in Dorothy Wordsworth and Gertrude Stein. Romantic Autobiography in England. Ed. Eugene Stelzig. Farnham, UK; Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate Publishing. 15-30. - McGavran, James Holt Jr. 1981. “Alone Seeking the Visible World”: The Wordsworths, Virginia Woolf, and “The Waves”. Modern Language Quarterly 42 (3): 265-91. - McGavran, James Holt Jr. 1988. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals: Putting Herself Down. The Private Self Theory and Practice of Women’s Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Shari Benstock. London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall. 230-53. - Maclean, Catherine Macdonald. 1927. Dorothy and William Wordsworth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Matlak, Richard E. 1997. The Poetry of Relationship: The Wordsworths and Coleridge, 1797-1800. New York: St. Martin’s Press. - McCormick, Anita Hemphill. 1990. “I shall be beloved – I want no more”: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Rhetoric and the Appeal to Feeling in The Grasmere Journals. Philological Quarterly 69 (4): 471-93. - Moorman, Mary. 1991. Preface to Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. vii-ix. - Newlyn, Lucy. 2007. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Experimental Style. Essays in Criticism 57 (4): 325-49. - Özdemir, Erinç. 2005. Two Poems by Dorothy Wordsworth in Dialogic Interaction with “Tintern Abbey”. Studies in Romanticism 44 (4): 551-79. - Ożarska, Magdalena. 2010. Dorothy Wordsworth as Travel Writer: The 1798 Hamburgh Journal, Theatrum Historiae 7: 179-87. - Ożarska, Magdalena. Lacework or Mirror? Diary Poetics of Frances Burney, Dorothy Wordsworth and Mary Shelley. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. - Ożarska, Magdalena. 2010a. Recollections in Tranquillity: Living and Coping with Tourists in the Lake District as Reflected in the Writings by Dorothy and William Wordsworth and Harriet Martineau. Respectus Philologicus 17 (22): 67-78. - Ożarska, Magdalena. 2007. Some Observations on Dorothy Wordsworth’s Status in English Romanticism. Respectus Philologicus 11 (16): 98-106. - Page, Judith W. 2003. Gender and Domesticity. The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth. Ed. Stephen Gill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 125-41. - Page, Judith W. 1994. Wordsworth and the Cultivation of Women. Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press. - Polowetzky, Michael. 1996. Prominent Sisters: Mary Lamb, Dorothy Wordsworth, and Sarah Disraeli. Westport, Connecticut and London: Praeger. - Reiman, Donald H. 1978. Poetry of Familiarity: Wordsworth, Dorothy, and Mary Hutchinson. The Evidence of the Imagination: Studies of Interactions between Life and Art in English Romantic Literature. Ed. Donald H. Reiman, Michael C. Jaye and Betty T. Bennett. New York: New York University Press. 142-77. - Reimer, Elizabeth. 2009. “Her Favourite Playmate”: Pleasure and Interdependence in Dorothy Wordsworth’s “Mary Jones and her Pet-Lamb”. Children’s Literature 37: 33-60. - Ross, Marlon B. 1986. Naturalizing Gender: Woman’s Place in Wordsworth’s Ideological Landscape. English Literary History 53 (2): 391-410. - Simons, Judy. 1990. Diaries and Journals of Literary Women from Fanny Burney to Virginia Woolf. London: Macmillan. - Soderholm, James. 1995. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Return to Tintern Abbey. New Literary History 26 (2): 309-22. - Steger, Sara. 2009. Paths to Identity: Dorothy and William Wordsworth and the Writing of Self in Nature. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. No. 5.1. http://ncgsjournal.com/issue51/steger.htm (accessed August 12, 2011). - Tayler, Irene. 1978. By Peculiar Grace: Wordsworth in 1802. The Evidence of the Imagination: Studies of Interactions between Life and Art in English Romantic Literature. Eds. Donald H. Reiman, Michael C. Jaye and Betty T. Bennett. New York: New York University Press. 119-41. - Walker, Carol Kyros. 1997. Introduction and Notes to Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland. By Dorothy Wordsworth. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1-26. - Wallace, Anne D. 2000. “Inhabited Solitudes”: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Domesticating Walkers. Nordlit. No. 1. http://www.hum.uit.no/nordlit/1/wallace.html (accessed June 8, 2009). - Wilson, Frances. 2009. The Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth. London: Faber and Faber. - Wolfson, Susan J. 1988. Individual in Community: Dorothy Wordsworth in Conversation with William. Romanticism and Feminism. Ed. Anne K. Mellor. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 139-66. - Woodring, Carl. 1978. The New Sublimity in “Tintern Abbey”. The Evidence of the Imagination: Studies of Interactions between Life and Art in English Romantic Literature. Eds. Donald H. Reiman, Michael C. Jaye and Betty T. Bennett. New York: New York University Press. 86-100. - Woof, Pamela. 1995. The Alfoxden Journal and its Mysteries. The Wordsworth Circle 26: 125-33. - Woof, Pamela. 1991. Dorothy Wordsworth and the Pleasures of Recognition: An Approach to the Travel Journals. The Wordsworth Circle 22: 150-59. - Woof, Pamela. 1999. Dorothy Wordsworth, “Journals”. A Companion to Romanticism. Ed. Duncan Wu. London: Blackwell. 157-68. - Woof, Pamela. 1989. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journals: Readings in a Familiar Text. The Wordsworth Circle 20: 37-42. - Woof, Pamela. 1992. Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journals and the Engendering of Poetry. Wordsworth in Context. Eds. P. Fletcher and J. Murphy. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. 12-55. - Woof, Pamela. 1988. Dorothy Wordsworth, Writer. Grasmere: The Wordsworth Trust. - Woof, Pamela. 1986. 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Rumor of incest between her and William Wordsworth goes back to Thomas de Quincey, who disseminated a local “unnatural tale … of [William] Wordsworth having been intimate with his own sister – The reason for this story having birth seemed to be that Wordsworth was very much in the habit of taking long rambles among the mountains, & romantic scenes near his habitation – his sister, who is also a great walker used very frequently to accompany him … It is Wordsworth’s custom whenever he meets or parts with any of the female part of his own relations to kiss them – This he has frequently done when he has met his sister on her rambles or parted from her and that in roads or on mountains, or elsewhere, without heeding whether he was observed or not” (qtd. Gittings and Manton 105-106). MaOz 5thTrainingSchoolFeb13 Born in Cockermouth, Cumberland. Collaboration/connections with male authors : - William Wordsworth (brother) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge (friend) Had no income of her own, some inheritance only.