Sappho (-620 - -570)

Short name Sappho
First name Sappho
Birth name
Married name
Date of birth -620
Date of death -570
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Greece
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Sappho was ...
Place(s) of Residence Greece
Receptions of Sappho, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Invocation Ekaterina Sergeevna Urusova 1777 quotes person
On the Female Literature of the Present Age [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1820 None
*Mention in art. in De Gids Potgieter, Everardus Johannes 1837 None
An eine junge Dichterin To a young poet Prešeren, France 1844 None
Slovenkam Ravnikar, Matevž 1845 None
Skaldestycken af Fredr. Cyganeus IV Lyrical pieces Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1857 comments on person
Potovanje po zahodnem ali po jutrovih deželah v letu 1857 Verne, Mihael 1858 None
Milim strunam Umek, Anton 1863 None
Nesrečni pesniki The Unhappy Poets Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1873 None
Poslednji spev Safin Sappho's Last Song Giacomo Leopardi , Sappho , Unknown translator (to be identified) 1874 references person
Apostrof. Ljubezen Apostrophe. Love Stritar, Josip 1876 None
Razvoj svetovne poezije The evolution of world poetry Kersnik, Janko 1878 None
Klara Klara Stritar, Josip 1880 comments on person
Obča zgodovina General History Janez Jesenko 1883 None
*Mention in article: Znatnije književnice u stranih naroda/Important Foreign Women Writers Popović, Anđelija 1896 None
Vzor Role Model Govekar, Fran 1896 None
Razno Various Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1899 None
*Mention in art. Apantisis eis thn Dida V. Eyaggelidou (Answer to Miss. V. Eyaggelidou) in Bosporis Preveziotou, Cornelia 1901 comments on person
*Mention in Anoikti Epistolh B' (Open Letter B') in Bosporis Evaggelidou, Virginia 1901 comments on person
The Feminine Note in Fiction Woolf, Virginia 1905 None
Splošni pregled - A . M. Lohvickaja Peterlin, Radivoj 1905 None
Femeia in literatura [La femme en littérature] Scriban, Eugenia 1907 is biography of
*mention in Letters from Salonika Jelena Dimitrijević 1908 None
Papiri in početki krščanstva Paper and the Beginnings of Christianity Karl Wessely , Unknown translator (to be identified) 1910 None
Naše slike (Csikos-Sessia: Sappho) Our Pictures (Csikos-Sessia: Sappho) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1911 comments on person
Camera della segnatura The Room of the Segnatura Zupan, Anton 1912 None
*Title to be added J. Savić 1913 None
Rad jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti The Work of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts Grafenauer, Ivan 1914 None
Tvrdka Schliemann & Co The Firm Schliemann & Co Samsa, Janez 1914 None
F. E. Korš F. E. Korsh Glonar, Josip 1915 None
*The Intellectual Status of Women Woolf, Virginia 1920 None
Safo de Lesbos None is portrait of
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) I, 22-23. cf.: - art Marianne Peereboom, in Van Dijk e.a., "I have heard about you"