Winsnes, Hanna (1789 - 1872)

Short name Winsnes, Hanna
First name Hanna Olava
Birth name Strøm
Married name
Alternative name Hugo Schwarz
Date of birth 1789
Date of death 1872
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Drammen
Place of death Vang
Lived in Norway
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Winsnes, Hanna was ...
related to Winsnes, Maren Pauline
related to Ring, Barbra Mathilda
Place(s) of Residence Norway
Receptions of Winsnes, Hanna, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Fru Hanna Winsnes som Forfatterinde Mrs Hanna Winsnes as Authoress Sundt, Christian Ulrik 1849 comments on person
Mathias Stoltenberg, portrait of Hanna Winsnes, 1850. 1850 is portrait of
Fra Hanna Winsnes prestegaard (from H.W.'s parsonage) Ring, Barbra Mathilda 1911 is biography of
For Hundrede Aar siden: Hanna Winsnes og hendes A hundred years ago: Hanna Wisnes and hers Ring, Barbra Mathilda 1924 is biography of
Hanna Winsnes, dikter og kokk Hanna Winsnes, poet and cook Signe Marie Hopp 1943 is biography of
TSjun11 Born in Norway, but lived in Denmark as a young woman. Married to Paul Vinsnes, vicar, The mother of seven children. Known as great grandmother of the author Barbra Ring. Hanna Winsnes is well known for books on domestic matters. She also wrote narratives for magazines.