Gabrielle Emilie du Châtelet (1706 - 1749)
Mother | |
Father | |
Children | |
Religion / ideology | |
Education | |
Aristocratic title | - |
Professional or ecclesiastical title | - |
Gabrielle Emilie du Châtelet was ...
related to | Boufflers, Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvou-Craon de (marquise) |
correspondent | Leprince de Beaumont, Marie |
Profession(s) | |
Memberships | Accademia dell' Arcadia (Rome) , Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna |
Place(s) of Residence | France , Paris |
Author of |
Receptions of Gabrielle Emilie du Châtelet, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title | Author | Date | Type |
*Mention in Histoire litt. des femmes françaises | La Porte, Joseph de | 1769 | is biography of |
Levensbyzonderheden van de Markgravinne du Châtelet | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1772 | comments on person |
Marquisinde Chatelet (by Claus Fasting) | editor male [TO CHECK] | 1778 | comments on person |
*Reception of Du Châtelet | Alorna, Leonor de Almeida Portugal Lorena e Lencastre | 1800 | comments on person |
*Article dans Dictionnaire historique [..] | Briquet, Marguerite Ursule Fortunée Bernier | 1804 | is biography of |
*Chapter in Le Plutarque des jeunes demoiselles | Propiac, Catherine-Joseph-Ferdinand de | 1806 | is biography of |
*Article in De Tijd | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1865 | None |
Madame du Chatelet | Paul Jacquinet | 1886 | is biography of |
*Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France | Henri Carton | 1886 | is biography of |
La Marquise du Chatelet | J. Desplantes , P. Pouthier | 1890 | is biography of |
Histoire de la littérature féminine en France | Jean Larnac | 1921 | is biography of |
Mentioned in: - La Porte 1769 IV 311-334 - Boudier de Villemert 1778 - Briquet 1804 - Jacquinet, Les femmes de France poètes et prosateurs, 1886 - Henri Carton, Histoire des femmes ecrivains de la France, 1886 - Desplantes et Pouthier, 1890 - Larnac, 1921 - Mitterand, Littérature XVIIIe 1987, p.119 (98, 110, 130, 283) - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 645. Cf. - Agnès Whitfield, "Emilie du Châtelet, traductrice de Newton, ou la 'traduction-confirmation'", in Jean Delisle (ed.), Portraits de traductrices. Ottawa, 2002, pp. 87-116. - Judith P. Zinsser, “The Marquise Du Châtelet: Legends and Legacies”, in ASECS 2006, Montreal: On the occasion of the Marquise Du Châtelet’s tercentenerary, it is appropriate that scholars revisit not only her innovative works as a physician/philosophe/geomètre but also the legends surrounding her life and accomplishments. For example, she is remembered more for the fifteen year liaison with Voltaire than for her original synthesis, the Institutions de Physique.
Died in childbirth, one week after giving birth to a supposedly illegitimate daughter (out of an affair with Jean François de Saint-Lambert). Zinsser (2006:278).
Paris 17-12-1706 - ? 10-09-1749.
Married 1725. Liaison (with Voltaire 1729, Jean François de Saint-Lambert 1748).
4 children (2 sons, 1 daughter, 1 illegitimate daughter).
"figure de médiation, établissant des liens entre la culture anglaise et française, entre deux disciplines aujourd'hui séparées (la philosophie et la physique) ainsi qu'entre géomètres et gens de lettres" (summary of article of Judith P. Zinsser, "Entrepreneur of the 'Republic of Letters'", in French Historical Studies, 25, 2002, 595-624.
To be considered as a scholar.
Translator from English, Latin.