Bucura Dumbrava (1868 - 1926)

Short name Bucura Dumbrava
First name Bucura
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Fanny Seculici
Date of birth 1868
Date of death 1926
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Slovakia
Place of death Egypt
Lived in Romania , Austro-Hungarian Empire , Egypt
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography Cf. - Bucuta, Em. (1977), Scrieri, vol II, - Chendi, Ilarie. (1924), Schite de critica literara, - Dragomirescu (1925) De la misticism la nationalism - Mihaila, Ramona. (2008) Constructia identitatii personajului feminin in proza secolului al XIX-lea, Bucharest: Romania de Maine - Perpessicius, (1925), Repertotiu critic - Simionescu, I. (1923), Lecturi geografice
Provisional Notes Born in Bratislava (Slovakia). Promotor of Romanian folklore. Journalist working for different journals. Climbed the Mont Blanc, and other mountains - as the first woman to do so. Traveller and travel writer. (info R.Mihailamay11)
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Seculici, Fanny
Place(s) of Residence Romania , Austro-Hungarian Empire , Egypt
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