Anastasia Yzynova (1845 - 1930)

Short name Anastasia Yzynova
First name Anastasia
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Anastasia Uzunova-Zeliazkova , Anastasia Yzynova-Zeliazkova
Date of birth 1845
Date of death 1930
Flourishing -
Sex Female
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Lived in Bulgaria
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes Doc. Anastasia Yzynova-Zeliazkova was very famous proponent of Spiritualism and theosophist. Anastasia was one of the first students of Petar Dynov. From 1892 till 1897 She studied Spiritualistic and Theosophical literature, also translated Charles Ledbitter from french,She wrote some spiritual articles,which were edited by Georgi Mirkovich in Sliven, magazine "Nova svetlina''/''New light''(1890-1896). She studied in French college. Anastasia acquired french and greek by the time she went to Kalofer,Bulgaria as a techer (1869).She knew very little Bulgarian.After that she became a private teacher of wealthy Bulgarian families in Plovdiv(Geshovi).She married Mladen Zeliazkov, nephew of the Bulgarian Exarch Antim The First.By the time of the slavery they lived in Kyrklisia and then came to Varna. Personality uniquely combines compassion, mysticism and social prowess.
Religion / ideology
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Place(s) of Residence Bulgaria
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