Gerharda Johanna Helena Ankersmit (20-10-1869 - 21-08-1944)

Short name Gerharda Johanna Helena Ankersmit
First name Gerharda Johanna Helena
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Heleen Ankersmit , Tante Lee
Date of birth 20-10-1869
Date of death 21-08-1944
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Netherlands
Place of death Netherlands
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to Mathilde Wibaut - Berdenis van Berlekom
Bibliography - "Ankersmit, Heleen (1869-1944)", on DVN (see links) - "Ankersmit, Gerharda Johanna Helena", on BWSA
Provisional Notes Born in Deventer, died in Rhenen. Feminist. Secretary of the Bond van Sociaal-Democratische Vrouwenpropagandaclubs [League of Soc.-Dem. Women's Propaganda clubs]. Contributed to its magazine De Proletarische Vrouw, and gave lectures. Friend of Mathilde Wibaut. Left the SDAP in 1918. Contributed to De Voorbode (magazine of Roland-Holst's Revolutionair-Socialistisch Vrouwenbond) In same social circles as Augusta de Wit. Visited international women's conferences. Joined the Communistische Partij Holland after a conference in Moscow in 1921.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships SDAP (Dutch Social Democratic Workers' Party), Communistische Partij Holland, Bond van Sociaal-Democratische Vrouwenclubs
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
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