Fanny Mongellaz (1798 - 1829)

Short name Fanny Mongellaz
First name Fanny
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1798
Date of death 1829
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in France
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Beard, Mary Ritter (1946 [1987]): Woman as Force in History, A Study in Traditions and Realities, New York: Persea Books. Cf. - ŠAUPERL, Mojca (2009): "Fanny Mongellaz : chemins d'un oubli". In: VAUDAY, Patrick (ed.), MOČNIK, Rastko (ed.), ZUPANC EĆIMOVIĆ, Paula (ed.), ROTAR, Drago B. (ed.). Histoire de l'oubli en contextes postsocialiste et postcolonial, Koper: Université de Primorska, Centre de recherches scientifiques, Maison d'édition Annales: Société d'historie de Primorska Sud, pp. 145-156.
Provisional Notes Born into a bourgeois family in Chambéry, Fanny Burnier was educated at a boarding school in Geneva. In 1823 or 1824 she married Pierre-Joseph Mongellaz, a physician and author of medical texts. The couple lived in Paris between 1824 and the summer of 1828, however Fanny did stay with Marguerite Baur, the widow of the chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet, at Arcueil for some time around 1825. Fanny Mongellaz died in Flumet, Savoy, in 1829. *Acquaintance of Joseph-François Michaud Published works: - Louis XVIII et Napoléon dans les Champs Élysées (Paris, Ponthieu, 1825) - De l'Influence des femmes sur les mœurs et les destinées des nations, sur leurs familles et la société, et de l'influence des mœurs sur le bonheur de la vie (Paris, Michaud, 1828; second - posthumous - edition 1831) Lost manuscripts: - Vie de saint François de Sales - Pierre, comte de Savoie (unfinished historical novel)
Religion / ideology Catholic
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Burnier, Fanny
Place(s) of Residence France
Author of
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