Łucja Rautenstrauchowa (1798 - 1886)

Short name Łucja Rautenstrauchowa
First name Łucja
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Łucja z Giedroyciów Rautenstrauchowa , Ł. z G. R.
Date of birth 1798
Date of death 1886
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in France , Poland
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography Cf. - Borkowska Grażyna, Czermińska Małgorzata and Ursula Phillips. Pisarki polskie od średniowiecza do współczesności. Przewodnik [Polish Women Writers from the Middle Ages to Modern Times: a Survey]. Gdańsk: Słowo / obraz terytoria, 2000. - Burkot, Stanisław. Polskie podróżopisarstwo romantyczne [Polish Romantic Travel Writing]. Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1988. - Giedrojć, Magdalena. “Puławska księżniczka” [“The Princess of Puławy”]. Na Przykład. No. 46, 1997: 20-21. - Giedrojć, Magdalena. Włoska podróż Łucji z Giedroyciów Rautenstrauchowej [The Italian Journey of Łucja Rautenstrauchowa née Giedroyć], unpublished M.A. dissertation, Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 1996. - Hadrian, Ewa. Romantyczka w podróży: górskie peregrynacje Łucji z Giedroyciów Rautenstrauchowej [A Romantic Lady on the Road: Mountain Tours of Łucja Rautenstrauchowa née Giedroyć]. Lublin: Związek Podhalan, Oddział Tatrzański, Ognisko im. Tadeusza Staicha w Lublinie, 1998. - Hoesick, Ferdynand. Tatry i Zakopane: przeszłość i teraźniejszość [The Tatras and Zakopane: the Past and the Present], Part II. Poznań-Warsaw-Vilnius: Księgarnia Św. Wojciecha, 1913. - Ilnicka, M. “Łucya z książąt Giedroyciów Rautenstrauchowa” [“Łucya Rautenstrauchowa of the Giedroyć Princes”]. Bluszcz 1886: 19-21. - Jakubiszyn-Tatarkiewiczowa, Anna. “Od Malmaison do Puław czyli Odyseja polskiej Korynny” [“From Malmaison to Puławy, or the Odyssey of the Polish Corinne”], Kamena (1958), Nos. 10-12: 16-22. Mesjasz, Michał. Łucja z Giedroyciów Rautenstrauchowa. Księżniczka - podróżniczka - literatka [Łucja nee Giedroyć Rautenstrauchowa: Princess, Traveller, Literary Lady]. Opole: Scriptorium, 2014. Ożarska, Magdalena. Two Women Writers and Their Italian Tours: Mary Shelley’s Rambles in Germany and Italy 1840, 1842 and 1843 and Lucja Rautenstrauchowa’s In and Beyond the Alps. The Mellen Press, 2013. - Ptakowska-Wyżanowicz, Halina. Od krynoliny do liny [From the Hoop Skirt to the Climbing Rope]. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo “Sport i Turystyka”, 1960.
Provisional Notes NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 Heavily criticised by two male critics, Ferdinand Hoesick in his "Tatry i Zakopane: przeszłość i teraźniejszość" ("The Tatras and Zakopane: the Past and the Present"; 1913) and Wojciechowski's 1925 "Historja powieści polskiej" ("A History of Polish Novels") for her sentimentalism and Byronism. [to be put into reception svdfeb13] MaOz 5thTrainingSchoolFeb13 Born and died in the Russian-occupied part of Poland. (Jun 22, 1798 - May 3, 1886) Married 1820, separated 1827, widowed 1842. One of the first Polish women to attend lectures at university. She spent her early youth in France. Her sister was lady-in-waiting to Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. At twenty-two, Łucja née Giedroyć was married to General Józef Rautenstrauch, twenty-five years her senior. General Rautenstrauch was a loyal supporter of the Russian tsar. This was a shameful fact for his patriotically minded wife, particularly at the time of the 1830 November Insurrection. On account of Rautenstrauchowa’s husband's marital infidelity and overall spousal incompatibility, separation was decided in 1827. The marriage was not, however, fully terminated until 1842, with the General's death. Łucja Rautenstrauchowa never remarried. Rautenstrauchowa made her literary debut in 1821, with a sentimental romance, Emmelina i Arnolf [Emmeline and Arnolf]. In the following year, she published a pamphlet entitled Myśli o wychowaniu kobiet [Thoughts on Female Education]. Several radical postulates contained therein demonstrated her reformatory spirit. Among these was the need for women’s education in order to render them suitable partners for men – and possibly even politicians. In 1830 and 1831, Rautenstrauchowa produced two more novels. Both influenced by Ann Radcliffe's and Matthew Gregory Lewis's Gothic tales, these were Ragana czyli Płochość [Ragana, or Flightiness] and Przeznaczenie [Fate]. Given the combination of her novelistic flair with an excellent command of the French language, Rautenstrauchowa proved a successful translator as well. She co-authored a translation of Madame de Staël's Corinne, or Italy into Polish (1857), which – due to its undeniable merit – is the only rendition existing until this day. She authored Wspomnienia moje o Francyji ([My Memories of France], 1839), Ostatnia podróż do Francyji ([A Recent Trip to France], 1841) or the part domestic, part foreign Miasta, góry i doliny ([Towns, Hills and Valleys], 1844).
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education Educated at home, Higher education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence France , Poland
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