Matilde Serao (1856 - 1927)

Short name Matilde Serao
First name Matilde
Birth name Serao
Married name
Alternative name Sigma , Gibus , Matilde Scarfoglio
Date of birth 1856
Date of death 1927
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Italy
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education Convent education, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Matilde Serao was ...
related to Villani Marchesani, Concetta
related to Zuccari, Anna
related to *Neera
related to Scarfoglio, Edoardo
related to Steno, Flavia
Place(s) of Residence Italy
Receptions of Matilde Serao, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
La Duchesse Bleue Bourget, Paul 1898 is dedicated to
Dnevne vesti - Pogovor z Zolo [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1899 None
Over Italië About Italy Nouhuys, Willem Gerard van 1900 comments on person
Matilda Serao Matilde Serao [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1902 comments on person
Bøger - Kunst. Matilde Serao Books - Art. Matilde Serao Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1903 comments on person
Nekaj o knjigah in čitanju Something about the books and reading Mole, Vojeslav 1907 None
Matilde Serao Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1910 comments on person
Matilde Serao Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1910 None
Over letterkunde IV Italië (about Serao) About literature, Italy. Jules Persyn 1913 comments on person
Nekaj misli in predlogov o našem prevajalnem slovstvu Some Thoughts and Suggestions about our Translated Literature Andrejka, Rudolf 1913 None
O moderni Italiji About Modern Italy [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1914 None
Cronache letterarie. Preghiere di Matilde Serao Villani Marchesani, Concetta 1921 comments on person
Een Almanak Almanac Jo Otten 1927 comments on person
*Een Almanak Italian Literature About Italian Literature Jo Otten 1927 None
Matilde Serao Matilde Serao Marica Nadlišek Bartol 1927 comments on person
Scrittrici italiane d'oggi Italian female writers of today Melis de Villa, Amelia 1927 comments on person
Readded based on record <2014. Please check. jdgjul16 forfurtherdiscussion: Els, waarschijnlijk is het goed om voor al die titels die er nu in het NL staan, de oorspronkelijke italiaanse terug te vinden ??? svd 14-2-17 -- - Born in Greece, lived in Naples for most of her life, died in Naples. - At the beginning of her career she lived and worked in Rome - Married the journalist/writer Edoardo Scarfoglio (1884). - She founded the journal 'Il Mattino', which became the most important daily paper of Southern Italy (in 1891) - Her son Antonio Scarfoglio was a famous Neapolitan journalist and author. - Worked as a journalist throughout her life. Published in: -- "Giornale di Napoli" (from) 1876 -- "Il Piccolo" and "Cronaca Bizantina" Ran and founded: -- "Corriere di Roma", the "Corriere di Napoli" and "Il Mattino" (with her husband Scarfogflio) -- "La Settimana", "Il Giorno". - Correspondence with the actress Eleonora Giulia Amalia Duse (1858-1924), written at the end of the 19th century?, published in Italian in 2004, Napels. - Traveller. Zie also schr-gro, record 461 - works and reception svd In Joh. Berg, Invloed Italiaanse letterkunde, p. 77 he mentions a writer Cerao, not certain that it is Serao Collaborator of the journal Fanfulla della Domenica (from 1879). [ SvD, Info Anna Cucchiella nov 2005 ] KLK 1904 MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.174ss: women addressing women’s questions