Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841 - 1910)

Short name Eliza Orzeszkowa
First name Eliza
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Elisa Orzeszko , Eliza Pawlowski
Date of birth 1841
Date of death 1910
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Czech Republic , Poland
Place of residence notes
Related to Maria Konopnicka , Pavla Maternova , Waleria Marrené-Morzkowska , Eleonora Ziemięcka , Maria Rodziewiczówna , Narcyza Żmichowska , Eliška Krásnohorská , Paulina Kuczalska - Reinschmit
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: "Earned a living with her pen when few women had any financial independence". - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 861. -Urszula Philips, Narcyza Żmichowska. Feminizm i religia, tłum. Katarzyna Bojarska, (Narcyza Zmichowska. Feminism and Religion), Warsaw 2008. -Kobiety w literaturze, red. Magdaleny Goik, Warszawa – Bielsko-Biała 2009 – (Women in literature), edited by Magdalena Goik, Warsaw - Bielsko-Biala 2009. -Pisarki polskie od średniowiecza do współczesności. Przewodnik, red. Grażyna Borkowska, Małgorzata Czermińska, Urszula Philips, Gdańsk 2000 (Polish Women Authors from the Middle Ages to the Modern Timens. A reference book), the ed. Grażyna Borkowska, Małgorzata Czerminska, Ursula Philips, Gdańsk 2000. - Zachodnie wzorce i wschodnie realia. Przedstawicielki elit prowincjonalnych w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wieku (Western models and eastern reality. Representatives of provincial elites of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries), edited by Małgorzata Dajnowicz, Białystok 2009.
Provisional Notes She was interested with problems of women, also poor women. She wrote about the national rebirth of Lithuanians, about the assimilation of Jews. Led the wide charitable activity in Grodno. She supported the broad-minded movement of Polish women. Outstanding representative of the Polish positivism. Her program of the equality of rights directed to women from distant provinces. She popularized examples of the woman liberated from western Europe. Hereupon wrote in the Polish feminine press and in the private correspondence [M.D.; E.W.] Her literary works comprise around 30 novels, around 120 sketches and short stories, a few dramas and dozens of articles on literary and social issues. In 1905 together with Sienkiewicz and Lev Tolstoy she was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The prize was awarded to Sienkiewicz. Also nominated to the Nobel Prize in 1909. Many times favoured. Her compositions are read in many languages. Very esteemed by Lithuanians and Belorussians. [M.D.; E.W.]. (NB add reception, svd?) Living by her pen; campaigning for emancipation of peasantry (Buck). Travelled to Western Europe (Dajnowicz) -- Check place of birth: was born in Grodno, which seems to have been Russian at the time? Now lies in Belarus. jdgmar16 Married to a man much older than her in 1857; later divorced. Nobility by birth (house Pawlowska). MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.153: contributing to the 1884 book Woman’s question HOoms (lived in + marital status)
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Orzeszko, Elisa | Pawlowski
Place(s) of Residence Czech Republic , Poland