Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de (1684 - 1770)

Short name Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/51699342/
First name Madeleine-Angélique
Birth name Gomez
Married name
Alternative name Madeleine-Angélique Poisson
Date of birth 1684
Date of death 1770
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Paris
Place of residence notes
Father Poisson, Paul
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de was ...
Place(s) of Residence Paris
Receptions of Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Sketches of the lives and writings of the ladies of France Thicknesse, Ann 1780 comments on person
Madama de Gómez leyendo en su estudio 1797 is portrait of
*Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France Henri Carton 1886 is biography of
Mentioned in: - La Porte 1769 III, 466-642 - Dict. Frères Parfait - Briquet 1804 - Carton 1886, p. 174 - Larnac, Histoire de la littérature féminine en France, 1921 - Mornet, Introduction Nouvelle Héloïse, 1925 - Buck, Guide to women's writing, 1992: "One of the few women to write for theater and to have her plays performed at the Comédie Francaise".
Year of death: 1771 also mentioned, for example in Anecdotes dramatiques; see CESAR (svd jan 2007) Wrote for money (svd jan 2007)