Krásnohorská, Eliška (1847 - 1926)
Short name | Krásnohorská, Eliška |
VIAF | 19722922 |
First name | Eliška |
Birth name | Krásnohorská |
Married name | |
Alternative name | F. Pěnková , Eda Maxová , Věra Langeová , Soliman Řetkvička , Růžena Volná , Eliška Věrná , Zdenka Drobná , Blažena Stará , Pražanka , Doubravka Malá , T. Dvorská , Arnoštka Č. , Klára Baldová , Vojtěška Všetečková , Navštěvovatelka divadla , Horská , Jezerská , Jan K. , Czech Mother , A. Temná , Alžběta Pechová , Barbora Míčková , Votress of Serious Art , František Špatný , Jeden žíznivý , Viola Tomanová , Klára F. , J. Zlonický , Vanda Hájková , Tetka z Tetína , Vlastenka |
Date of birth | 1847 |
Date of death | 1926 |
Flourishing | - |
Sex | Female |
Place of birth | Prague |
Place of death | Prague |
Lived in | Czech Republic , Bohemia (region) , Austro-Hungarian Empire |
Place of residence notes |
Mother | |
Father | |
Children | |
Religion / ideology | |
Education | |
Aristocratic title | - |
Professional or ecclesiastical title | - |
Krásnohorská, Eliška was ...
related to | Světlá, Karolina |
related to | Orzeszkowa, Eliza |
related to | Maria Konopnicka |
Profession(s) | |
Memberships | |
Place(s) of Residence | Czech Republic , Bohemia (region) , Austro-Hungarian Empire |
Receptions of Krásnohorská, Eliška, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title | Author | Date | Type |
V literature češkoj | J. Durich | 1875 | comments on person |
Slovenski glasnik The Slovenian Herald | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1881 | None |
Češka književnost Czech Literature | Štrekelj, Karel | 1885 | None |
Naše slovstvo Our Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1886 | None |
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1886 | None |
Književnost (Pripovedka o Vetru) Literature (The Tale of the Wind) | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1887 | None |
Češka književnost Czech Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1887 | None |
Naše slovstvo Our Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1887 | None |
Pripovedka o vetru The Tale of the Wind | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1888 | None |
Češko slovstvo Czech Literature | Stjepan Zagorac | 1890 | comments on person |
Nova češka opera New Czech Opera | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1891 | None |
Češko slovstvo Czech Literature | Stjepan Zagorac | 1891 | None |
Razne vesti Various | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1891 | None |
Nova češka opera New Czech Opera | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1892 | None |
Češko slovstvo Czech Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1892 | None |
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian theatre | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1894 | None |
Knjižnica za mladino Library For the Youth | Bežek, Viktor | 1895 | None |
Književnost Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1895 | None |
Književnost Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1895 | None |
Češka književnost Czech Literature | Foerster, Vladimir | 1895 | None |
Drobtine | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1897 | None |
Album čeških žen: Zofija Podlipska The album of Czech women: Sofie Podlipská | Zavadil, Antonin | 1898 | None |
Slovenska književnost (Knjižnica za mladino) Slovenian Literature (Library For the Youth) | Frančišek Lampe | 1898 | None |
Razno Various | Kristan, Anton | 1898 | None |
Album čeških žen: Eliška Krásnohorská The album of Czech women: Eliška Krásnohorská | Zavadil, Antonin | 1898 | comments on person |
Še nekaj črtic iz življenja Svetle More sketches from the life of Světlá | Zavadil, Antonin | 1899 | quotes person |
Karolina Svetla Karolina Světlá | Kristan, Anton | 1899 | quotes person |
Še nekaj črtic iz življenja Svetle More sketches from the life of Světlá | Zavadil, Antonin | 1899 | None |
Književnost in umetnost Literature and Art | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1901 | None |
Književnost Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1902 | None |
Žensko časopisje The Female Press | Josip Ferfolja | 1902 | None |
„Djevojački sviet" "The World of Girls" | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1903 | None |
Djevojački sviet "The World of Girls" | Tominšek, Josip | 1903 | None |
Splošni pregled (Eliška Krasnohorska) General Overview (Eliška Krásnohorská) | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1907 | None |
Šestdesetletnica Eliške Krasnohorske! The Sixtieth Anniversary of Eliška Krásnohorská! | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1908 | comments on person |
Češka moderna literatura Modern Czech Literature | Lah, Ivan | 1911 | None |
Češke književne novosti Czech Literary News | Govekar, Fran | 1917 | None |
Iz češke literature From the Czech Literature | Stříbrný, Dominik | 1917 | None |
Eliška Krasnohorska | Kveder, Zofka | 1917 | comments on person |
Eliška Krasnohorska Eliška Krásnohorská | Lah, Ivan | 1918 | comments on person |
Eliška Krasnohorská | Marija Omeljčenkova | 1927 | comments on person |
MENTIONED IN: - Celebration of Women Writers - Libuše Heczková, "První léta časopisu Ženské Listy", in Dějiny žen, ed. by Kateřina Čadková - Moldanová, Dobrava, "České spisovatelky v 19. století" Slovník českých spisovatelů, Nakladatelství libri, Praha 2005, 372-373. - Slovník českých spisovatelů, Praha 1964, 255.
ust oct 2010.
- Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992
Was the youngest of eight children. After her father´s death, when she was three years old, the family lived in difficult circumstances. Two of her brothers introduced her to the arts. As a girl she fell ill of rheumatism, which unabled her to have children. For a while she lived in her brother´s family in Plzn, a town with a lively cultural life at that time. In 1874 she moved to Prague, where she lived on her own and from her writing. Helped to found the first girl´s boarding school in Central Europe, the Minerva. (Moldanová).
Editor of the journal "Ženské listy" (The Women´s Leaves). Wrote obituary on V. Lužiská (Heczkova). Also wrote librettos for Bedřich Smetana. Published poems and several travel notes. Translator from polish, translator from russian, translator from translator from english, translator from german: Mickiewicz, Puškin, Byron. Was also a literary critic. (Moldanová).