Serena, Carla (18XX - 1884)

Short name Serena, Carla
First name Carla
Birth name Serena
Married name
Date of birth 18XX
Date of death 1884
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in France
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Serena, Carla was ...
Place(s) of Residence France
Author of
Receptions of Serena, Carla, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Que no quede en proyecto Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Madrid Cómico: De todo un poco Funny Madrid: a little bit of everything Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Correspondencia particular Private correspondence Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Noticias generales General news Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Despacho telegráfico Telegraphic Despatch Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Miscelánea: Viajera Notable Miscellanea: an important traveller Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Despacho telegráfico Telegraphic Despatch Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Revista universal de viajes: Actualidades Universal review of travels: News Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Telegrama Telegram Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Sesión del 12 de octubre de 1880. Meeting of the 12th october 1880 Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
La Provincia The Province Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1880 None
Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid Bulletin of the Geographic Society of Madrid Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1881 None
Reunión extraordinaria pública Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1881 None
Catálogo de las obras de la Sociedad Catalogue of the Society's works Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 None
Galería de mujeres notables: Carla Serena, ilustre viajera italiana Gallery of important women: Carla Serena, a celebrated italian traveller Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 None
Galería de retratos de mujeres notables Gallery of important women portraits [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1884 None
Carla Serena Carla Serena Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 is obituary of
Sumario del n.º XVI de La ilustración de la mujer Summary of the number XVI of The Enlightenment of women Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 None
Crónica de La Dinastía Chronical of the Dynasty Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 None
ECOS VARIOS: La sepultura del Shah Different echoes: the Shah burial Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1896 None
Via Catalogue of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen