Urbančič Toman, Josipina (1833 - 1854)

Short name Urbančič Toman, Josipina
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/1082163873600345720024/
First name Josipina
Birth name Urbančič Toman
Married name
Alternative name Josipina Turnograjska
Date of birth 1833
Date of death 1854
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Preddvor
Place of death Graz
Lived in Austria , Slovenia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Catholic
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Urbančič Toman, Josipina was ...
Place(s) of Residence Austria , Slovenia
Author of
Receptions of Urbančič Toman, Josipina, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Vilko Šilek Miloslav Jozef Hurban 1851 comments on person
U spomladi Milica Žvegelj 1852 comments on person
Josipini Turnogradski na prerani grob To Josipina Turnograjska Stritar, Josip 1854 comments on person
Josipina Turnogradska Josipina Turnograjska Fekonja, Andrej 1884 comments on person
Bo-li meni? Will for me? Trojanšek Dekleva, Franja 1899 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Borovnik 1995 Cf. - Katja Mihurko Poniž, "Nation and Gender in the Writings of Slovene Women Writers, 1848-1918", in Aspasia 2, 2008, 28-43. (cf. hyperlink) - Mira Delavec 2009, Moč vesti. Ljubljana. Katja Mihurko Poniž. The representations of Slavic nations in the writings of Josipina Turnograjska. V: SANZ, Amelia (ed). Women telling nations, (Women writers in history, 1). Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi. 2014, p. 169-190.
KM NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. "Slav sons are keen to show their strength and worth. Why should Slav daughters not have the same desire? This is why I have decided to try to write something in my own mild language and I dare send into daylight one story from my collection and ask you to include it in your publication. [letter from Turnograjska to Anton Janežič;, the editor of Slovenska bčela, the magazine in which Turnograjska published her first texts] Info Katja Mihurko Poniz Svdfeb10 Gave birth to a stillborn. tbjun14 birth 09-07-1833, died 01-06-1854