Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré (1812 - 1887)

Short name Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré
First name Florentine Jacobine Martine
Birth name Rethaan Macaré
Married name
Alternative name F.J.M. Rethaan Macaré , Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré - Ontijd , Florentine Jacobine Martine Ontyd
Date of birth 1812
Date of death 1887
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Den Haag
Place of death Utrecht
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré was ...
related to Johanna Margaretha Radaeus
related to Radaeus-Rethaan, Anna
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Was previously in the database as 'Rethaan Macaré, F.J.M.' (1820-1890 estimated). Genealogy records make me suspect the full name to be Florentine Jacobine Martine Rethaan Macaré - Ontijd. jdgjan14 Wikipedia mentions her to have been a (recreational) painter. Wrote about the world's fairs in London and Paris. Husband descendant of Anna Rethaan and Johanna Margaretha Radaeus . Multiple portraits online, among which a caricature by Pieter van Loon. 6 children: Pierre Jacques Florent, Jacomina Gerarda, Adrien Jonathan, Florentine Cornelie Marguerite. NB not in DBNL, svdjun14 checkedJuly2017svd UtrechtUnesco