Elise Adelaïde Haighton (1841 - 1911)

Short name Elise Adelaïde Haighton
First name Elise Adelaïde
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Brunehilde , Hroswitha , Breynhelde
Date of birth 1841
Date of death 1911
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Netherlands
Place of death Netherlands
Lived in Netherlands , Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) , Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD)
Place of residence notes
Related to Wilhelmina J.P.R. Kruseman , Aletta Jacobs , Theodore Stanton , Alexandra Gripenberg
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Basse I, 118 - Ter Laan 1941 - See also Ten Brink, list of pseudonyms - Maria Grever en Berteke Waaldijk, Feministische openbaarheid. De Nationale Tentoonstelling van Vrouwenarbeid in 1898. Amsterdam 1998. - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011 Cf. - Mineke Bosch, Een onwrikbaar geloof in rechtvaardigheid. Aletta Jacobs 1854-1929. Balans 2005. Online-portrait
Provisional Notes Born in Amsterdam (28-05-1841), died in The Hague (11-08-1911). Cremated in Germany, as this was not allowed in The Netherlands at the time. Contributed to: - Portefeuille - Nederlandsche Spectator Material in the Letterkundig Museum The Hague (GR0714) Member of Damesleesmuseum The Hague (Duyvendak 1994, p. 21)(SP) HOoms (link + relations)
Religion / ideology Atheist
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships Leesmuseum voor Vrouwen in Amsterdam (Source: Els Prinse), Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht, Nationale Tentoonstelling voor vrouwenarbeid, Damesleesmuseum (The Hague)
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands , Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) , Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD)