Brlić, Jagoda (1824 - 1897)

Short name Brlić, Jagoda
First name Jagoda
Birth name Brlić
Married name
Date of birth 1824
Date of death 1897
Birth date Notes 5-2-1824
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Brod na Savi (Slavonski Brod)
Place of death Zagreb
Lived in Croatia
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Amruš, Ivan 1848-None
Brlić, Jagoda was ...
Place(s) of Residence Croatia
Author of
Receptions of Brlić, Jagoda, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in the article Jugoslavjanske pisateljice (Yugoslavian Woman Writers) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1874 is biography of
Spomin na ilirizem Remembrance of Illyrism Kleinmayr, Julij 1876 None
Cf. 1. Vodnik, Branko. 1919. "Jagoda Brlićeva", in: Jagoda Brlić: Pjesme. Zagreb. 2. Prohaska, Dragutin. 1919. "Jedna hrvatska romantičarka". Jugoslavenska njiva. 50: 802-803. 3.Kassowitz Cvijić, Antonija. 1924. "Jagoda Brlićeva, ilirska pjesnikinja (o 100–toj obljetnici njena rodjenja)". Vijenac. 2: 33–39. 4. Detoni Dujmić, Dunja. 1998. Ljepša polovica književnosti. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska. 5. Jelčić, Dubravko. 2002. Hrvatski književni romantizam. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. 6. Brunčić, Dubravka. 2008. "Tvorba rodnoga identiteta u pjesništvu Brođanke Jagode Brlić". Kolo. 1: 242–265.
sc oct12 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 born Brod na Savi, today Slavonski Brod From 1861 she lived in Zagreb. Famous Croatian writers (P. Preradović, A. Šenoa, E. Tomić and others) gathered in her home. — Her first poem Čekanje was printed in Kolo (1842, 1). She published patriotic, love and elegiac lyrics, written in the spirit of Illyrianism, in Danica (1842), Zora dalmatinska (1845) and, after a long break, in Vienco (1897). The manuscript of her poems was included by A. Šenoa in the anthology Wreath of Selected Poems (1873). The song Sigh was set to music by I. Zajc in 1893. Part of her poetic legacy was published in 1919 in a special book by B. Vodnik.