Kveder, Zofka (1878 - 1926)
Short name | Kveder, Zofka |
VIAF | http://viaf.org/viaf/1223577/ |
First name | Zofka |
Birth name | Kveder |
Married name | Demetrović, Zofka, Jelovšek, Zofka |
Alternative name | Poluks , Janja Legat , Zofka Jelovšek , Zofka Demetrović |
Date of birth | 1878 |
Date of death | 1926 |
Flourishing | - |
Sex | Female |
Place of birth | Ljubljana |
Place of death | Zagreb |
Lived in | Slovenia , Croatia |
Place of residence notes |
Mother | |
Father | |
Children | |
Religion / ideology | |
Education | School education |
Aristocratic title | - |
Professional or ecclesiastical title | - |
Demetrović, Juraj | ||
Jelovšek, Vladimir | 1906-None |
Kveder, Zofka was ...
related to | Hásková, Zdenka |
related to | Marica Nadlišek Bartol |
related to | Růžena Svobodová |
related to | Viková-Kunětická, Božena |
related to | Miloslava Sísová |
related to | Zieglesorová, Ana |
related to | Hlapec Djordjević, Julka |
related to | Malířová, Helena |
related to | Teréza Nováková |
related to | Karla Germek Ponikvar |
related to | Anžič Klemenčič, Ivanka |
related to | Dolinar, Elvira |
related to | Govekar, Minka |
Profession(s) | |
Memberships | Student club Slavia |
Place(s) of Residence | Slovenia , Croatia |
Author of |
Receptions of Kveder, Zofka, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title | Author | Date | Type |
Literarno pismo A literary letter | Cankar, Ivan | 1900 | None |
Zaslužne žene na peru The Worthy Women of Letters | Belović Bernadžikovska, Jelica | 1913 | None |
Zofka Kveder-Demetrovićeva | Govekar, Fran | 1926 | is dedicated to |
*To be specified | Govekar, Minka | 1927 | comments on person |
Unknown maker, portrait of Zofka Kveder, 1920s, Digital Library of Slovenia | None | is portrait of |
- Borovnik 1995
-Chlapec Djordjevic, Jelena, Studije i eseji o feminizmu I [Studies and Essays on Feminism I ], Beograd, 1935. Bozena Orozen. Zofka Kveder v Pragi (Zofka Kveder in Prague), Dialogi 4, 1978, s. 220-232.
- Katja Mihurko, "Nation and Gender in the Writings of Slovene Women Writers, 1848-1918", in Aspasia 2, 2008, 28-43. (cf. hyperlink)
-Katja Mihurko Poniž. Drzno drugačna: Zofka Kveder in podobe ženskosti. (Dangerously different. Zofka Kveder and the images of the womenhood). Ljubljana: Delta, 2003
-Jensterle Dolezal -Jahic Honzak (edd.): Zofka Kveder(1878-1626), Praha: Narodni knihovna CR - Slovanska knihovna, 2008 - „Podobe iz sanj“. Roman Hanka v luči korespondence med Zofko Kvedrovo in Zdenko Háskovo. (Dream images. The novel Hanka in the light of the correspondence between Zofka Kveder in Zdenka Haskova). In: Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová (ed.), Vzájemným pohledem, V očeh drugega, Česko-slovinské a slovinské-české styky ve 20. století, Praha: Národní knihovna ČR - Slovanská knihovna, 2011, s. 125-143.
- Queneau, Histoire des litteratures (Pleiade), 1968
- Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992.
She spent her difficult childhood (both of her parents often abused her physically) in the countryside. When she was only sixteen years old, she fled to the nearest large town where she worked as a secretary. In January 1899, she moved to Trieste, where Slovenka was published. Although she had not attended secondary school, she longed to study. Her dream came true in Bern (Switzerland), where female students could study at the university after a successful interview with the rector. After a few months she dropped out of the university, because she could not simultaneously study and earn enough money to make it from one day to another. In 1906, Kveder moved with her family to Zagreb (Croatia). She committed suicide in the year 1926.
Considered first professional Slovene woman writer.
Traveller, journalist, novelist.
Published short stories in German in Austrian and Swiss magazines, and established contacts with European women authors. Published short stories in Czech magazines. Published books in Czech culture.
(Info KMihurko Jul09)
birth 22-04-1878, died 21-11-1926
- Czech
- Croat
- German
svdmar12 info AJensterle
Alenka Jensterle, 22.2.2013,5TrSchoolFeb13
Cf. Gothenburg2020 : Mihurko