Marlitt, Eugenie (1825 - 1887)
Short name | Marlitt, Eugenie |
VIAF | |
First name | Eugenie |
Birth name | Marlitt |
Married name | |
Alternative name | E. Marlitt |
Date of birth | 1825 |
Date of death | 1887 |
Flourishing | - |
Sex | Female |
Place of birth | Germany |
Place of death | Germany |
Lived in | Germany |
Place of residence notes |
Mother | |
Father | |
Children | |
Religion / ideology | Protestant |
Education | |
Aristocratic title | - |
Professional or ecclesiastical title | - |
Marlitt, Eugenie was ...
Profession(s) | |
Memberships | |
Place(s) of Residence | Germany |
Receptions of Marlitt, Eugenie, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title | Author | Date | Type |
Locales Local information | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1869 | None |
*art. in Nederland about Marlitt | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1870 | comments on person |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | H.M.C. van Oosterzee | 1870 | comments on person |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | H.M.C. van Oosterzee | 1870 | comments on person |
*art. in Wetenschappelijke bladen, mentioning Marlitt | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1871 | None |
Theateranzeige | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1872 | None |
*art. in Leeskabinet about Marlitt | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1872 | comments on person |
Theaterbericht The Theater Report | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1873 | None |
Werkelijkheid en Marlittsche romans | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1874 | comments on person |
Feuilleton. Beroemde vrouwen van onzen tijd | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1875 | comments on person |
*art. in Leeskabinet about Marlitt | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1875 | comments on person |
Crónica de la literatura alemana German Literature | José del Perojo, y Figueras | 1876 | lists person |
Razgovori | Pajk, Janko | 1876 | None |
Benefize-Vorstellung | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1877 | None |
*Art. in Ons Streven | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1878 | comments on person |
*Mention in Review of Ten Brink, Het verloren kind | Johan Hermann Christian Heyse | 1879 | comments on person |
"George Eliotová" George Eliot | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1879 | comments on person |
M. Treub, *Mention in Art. in De Gids | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1879 | None |
Das Sacher-Masoch-Jubiläum in Leipzig The Jubilee of Sacher-Masoch in Leipzig | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1883 | quotes person |
Ciklamen Cyclamen | Kersnik, Janko | 1883 | None |
Kunst und Literatur Arts and Literature | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1886 | None |
E. Marlitt, (Eugenie John). Haar leven en werken geschetst. Vrij bewerkt naar de Gartenlaube. | Gerard Keller | 1887 | is biography of |
Souhrnná úvaha o štěstí člověka General consideration about human happiness | František Chudoba | 1887 | comments on person |
Prachtig Uitverkoop-aanbod | Unknown editor (to be identified) | 1887 | lists person |
Beatin dnevnik Beata's diary | Kersnik, Janko | 1888 | None |
Směs: Nejlepší spisovatelky německá nynejšího času, Fanny Lewaldová, zemřela Miscellaneous: Death of Fanny Lewald | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1889 | comments on person |
Pismo Marici Nadlišek Bartol Letter to Marica Nadlišek Bartol | Kersnik, Janko | 1890 | None |
Eugenie John-Marlitt. Ihr Leben und ihre Werke | Behrens, Berta | 1890 | is biography of |
Romans en novellen van E. Marlitt ; opnieuw voor Nederland bewerkt | Unknown editor (to be identified) | 1892 | is award for person |
*Mention in Art. in De Gids | Leo Simons | 1892 | None |
Zbrani spisi Pavline Pajkove Collected Writings | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1895 | None |
Sama svoja By herself | Govekar, Fran | 1895 | None |
Biblioteca universal de novelas contemporáneas Universal library of contemporary novels | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1895 | is biography of |
*Mention in Art. in De Gids | L.J. Plemp van Duiveland | 1896 | None |
Knezova knjižnica The Library of Knez | Govekar, Fran | 1896 | None |
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater | Zbašnik, Fran | 1896 | None |
Pismo Pavlini Pajk Letter to Pavlina Pajk | Stritar, Josip | 1897 | None |
O te ženske! Oh, these Women | Govekar, Fran | 1897 | comments on person |
O te ženske! Oh, these Women | Govekar, Fran | 1897 | None |
Ljubljanski zvon l. 1897 | Bežek, Viktor | 1898 | None |
Pismo Anici Lušin Pismo to Anica Lušin | Cankar, Ivan | 1898 | None |
Dnevne vesti Daily News | Unknown journalist (to be identified) | 1899 | None |
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater | Zbašnik, Fran | 1899 | None |
Študentke (Female Students) | Kveder, Zofka | 1900 | None |
Různé zprávy: Z Náchoda: Veřejná knihovná národná (Miscellaneous: From Náchod: Public people´s library) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1900 | lists person |
Ursule Hagen | Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine | 1900 | None |
Literarno pismo A literary letter | Cankar, Ivan | 1900 | None |
Doporučujeme k době vánoční antikvárně: Marlittová, E. skoro všechny spisy vázané i nevázané (We recommend for the Christmas time secondhand: Marlitt, almost all works hardbound and not hardbound) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1902 | lists person |
De winkeljuffrouw uit l’Oiseau d’Or – Chapeaux pour dames et enfants | Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine | 1903 | None |
Ouders en kinderen | Suze La Chapelle - Roobol | 1904 | comments on person |
Zeventien | Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe | 1904 | None |
Pisma Letters | Kveder, Zofka | 1904 | None |
Četrt stoletja slovenskemu slovstvu na braniku. K petindvajsetletnici Ljubljanskega zvona. | Tominšek, Josip | 1905 | None |
Nespodobna ljubezen | Cankar, Ivan | 1906 | None |
Za pouhých několik haléřů: ..., Marlittová, ... (For just a few Haler: ..., Marlitt, ...) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1906 | lists person |
De dochter The daughter | Naeff, Top | 1906 | None |
Verzwegen leed | Swarth, Hélène | 1908 | None |
Novo življenje | Cankar, Ivan | 1908 | None |
Het zonnetje van 't huis | Hoven, Thérèse | 1909 | None |
Trubadur | Cankar, Ivan | 1910 | None |
Een verloren leven | Marie C.E. Ovink - Soer | 1912 | None |
Právě vyšel první sešit W. Heiburgové (The new works by W. Heimburg have just appeared) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1913 | lists person |
Pravě vyšel: 1. sešit spisů W. Heimburgové (The works by Heimburgová have just appeared) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1913 | lists person |
Právě vyšel 1. sešit spisů W. Heimburgové (Has just come out: the first part of the works by W. Heimburg) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1913 | lists person |
Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature | Pregelj, Ivan | 1915 | comments on person |
Art. in De Vrouw about Marlitt and Werner | Ida Sarah Heijermans | 1916 | comments on person |
*H.v.d.L., art. over Gevoel en Verstand | [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] | 1923 | None |
In de nevelen | Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe , Stuwe, Eline van | 1923 | comments on person |
Over mooie boeken. Letterkundige opstellen | Salomons, Anna Maria Francisca | 1926 | None |
Indië en Europa | Helsdingen Schoevers, Beata van | 1929 | None |
De wonderbare genezing. The miraculous healing | Marianne Philips | 1929 | None |
Ve třech pohybech (In three movements) | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] | 1929 | comments on person |
Čtivo in naša dekleta Reading matter and our girls | Marica Nadlišek Bartol | 1930 | None |
Vrouwenspiegel: een literair-sociologische studie over de Nederlandse romanschrijfster na 1880 | Romein Verschoor, Annie | 1936 | comments on person |
Goud-Elsje | Max de Lange Praamsma | 1946 | comments on person |
- Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: Wrote stories in instalments for the popular journal Gartenlaube, whose circulation doubled as a result.
- Hans Arens: E. Marlitt: Eine kritische Würdigung, 1994 (ust August 2012)
- Cornelia Bauer: Eugenie Marlitt
- Bürgerliche, Christin, Liberale, Autorin (ust August 2012)
- Jutta Schönberg: Frauenrolle und Roman, 1986 (ust august 2012)
- Cornelia Hobohm, Die Bestsellerautorin Marlitt, 2010 (ust august 2012)
- Kosch
- De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011
- Woodford, Charlotte, Schofield, Benedict, The German bestseller in the late nineteenth century
Her works usually first appeared in the journal "Gartenlaube" and in the year after that as a novel. We find translations into Czech, English, French. Portuguese, Spanish, etc. Some of these translations were based on the publications in Gartenlaube, therefore they appeared in translation before they appeared as a book in German.
Also mentioned in Carton 1886, p. 248 (I think)
To be added as soon as the link to Goldelse works again: reception of Goldelse, Kramerius,, Zlatovláska, in Moravská orlice, 1885, vol. 23, p. 10, (advertisment). US24Oct2014.
To be addes as soon as Die Frau mit den Karfunkelsteinen can be accessed: Advertisement: Národní politika, vol. 15, p. 20, Kramerius,
Add as soon as link to Goldelse works again: Národní politika, vol. 15, p. 20, Kramerius,, Zlatovláska
To be added as soon as the link to Die Frau mit den Karfunkelsteinen works: Kramerius,, Národní politika, 1895, p. 21, advertisement for Czech translation. US25Oct2013.
Add to Goldelse once link works: Zlatovláska, Národní Politika, 1895, p. 21, Vol. 13, Kramerius
Add to Goldelse once link works: Kramerius:, Národní Politika, vol. 13, p. 17
Also to Goldelse, 1897:
Also Karfunkelsteine 1879,
Add to Goldelse: Zlatovláska, Kramerius, Národní Politika, vol. 15, p. 24, 1897,
Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius, Národní Politika, 1897
Add to Goldelse: Zlatovlaska, Národní Politika, 1897, vol. 15, 17.10.1897, Kramerius
Add to Karfunkel: Kramerius
Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, Morvská orlice 1885
Add to Goldelse: Národní politika, vol. 15, 31.10.1897, p. 13,
Add to Karfunkelsteine: Národní Politika, vol. 15, p. 13, 31.10.1897, Kramerius
Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, 11.3.1894
Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, 6.1.1895
Add to Karfunkel: Kramerius, 28.11.1897
Add to Goldelse: Kramerius 3.10.1897
Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius, 3.10.1897
Add to Goldelse: Karmerius 6.1.1901
Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius 6.1.1901,
Add to Goldelse:, 12.12.1897
Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 12.12.1897
Add to Goldelse:, 2.2.1901
Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 2.2. 1901
Add to Goldelse:, 4.4.1897
Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 4.4.1897
Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 25.10.1891
KLK 1904
KLK 1915