Marlitt, Eugenie (1825 - 1887)

Short name Marlitt, Eugenie
First name Eugenie
Birth name Marlitt
Married name
Alternative name E. Marlitt
Date of birth 1825
Date of death 1887
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Germany
Place of death Germany
Lived in Germany
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marlitt, Eugenie was ...
Place(s) of Residence Germany
Receptions of Marlitt, Eugenie, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Locales Local information Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1869 None
*art. in Nederland about Marlitt Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1870 comments on person
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen H.M.C. van Oosterzee 1870 comments on person
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen H.M.C. van Oosterzee 1870 comments on person
*art. in Wetenschappelijke bladen, mentioning Marlitt Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1871 None
Theateranzeige Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1872 None
*art. in Leeskabinet about Marlitt Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1872 comments on person
Theaterbericht The Theater Report Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1873 None
Werkelijkheid en Marlittsche romans Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1874 comments on person
Feuilleton. Beroemde vrouwen van onzen tijd Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1875 comments on person
*art. in Leeskabinet about Marlitt Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1875 comments on person
Crónica de la literatura alemana German Literature José del Perojo, y Figueras 1876 lists person
Razgovori Pajk, Janko 1876 None
Benefize-Vorstellung Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1877 None
*Art. in Ons Streven Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1878 comments on person
*Mention in Review of Ten Brink, Het verloren kind Johan Hermann Christian Heyse 1879 comments on person
"George Eliotová" George Eliot [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1879 comments on person
M. Treub, *Mention in Art. in De Gids Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1879 None
Das Sacher-Masoch-Jubiläum in Leipzig The Jubilee of Sacher-Masoch in Leipzig [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1883 quotes person
Ciklamen Cyclamen Kersnik, Janko 1883 None
Kunst und Literatur Arts and Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1886 None
E. Marlitt, (Eugenie John). Haar leven en werken geschetst. Vrij bewerkt naar de Gartenlaube. Gerard Keller 1887 is biography of
Souhrnná úvaha o štěstí člověka General consideration about human happiness František Chudoba 1887 comments on person
Prachtig Uitverkoop-aanbod Unknown editor (to be identified) 1887 lists person
Beatin dnevnik Beata's diary Kersnik, Janko 1888 None
Směs: Nejlepší spisovatelky německá nynejšího času, Fanny Lewaldová, zemřela Miscellaneous: Death of Fanny Lewald [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1889 comments on person
Pismo Marici Nadlišek Bartol Letter to Marica Nadlišek Bartol Kersnik, Janko 1890 None
Eugenie John-Marlitt. Ihr Leben und ihre Werke Behrens, Berta 1890 is biography of
Romans en novellen van E. Marlitt ; opnieuw voor Nederland bewerkt Unknown editor (to be identified) 1892 is award for person
*Mention in Art. in De Gids Leo Simons 1892 None
Zbrani spisi Pavline Pajkove Collected Writings UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1895 None
Sama svoja By herself Govekar, Fran 1895 None
Biblioteca universal de novelas contemporáneas Universal library of contemporary novels Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1895 is biography of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids L.J. Plemp van Duiveland 1896 None
Knezova knjižnica The Library of Knez Govekar, Fran 1896 None
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater Zbašnik, Fran 1896 None
Pismo Pavlini Pajk Letter to Pavlina Pajk Stritar, Josip 1897 None
O te ženske! Oh, these Women Govekar, Fran 1897 comments on person
O te ženske! Oh, these Women Govekar, Fran 1897 None
Ljubljanski zvon l. 1897 Bežek, Viktor 1898 None
Pismo Anici Lušin Pismo to Anica Lušin Cankar, Ivan 1898 None
Dnevne vesti Daily News Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1899 None
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater Zbašnik, Fran 1899 None
Študentke (Female Students) Kveder, Zofka 1900 None
Různé zprávy: Z Náchoda: Veřejná knihovná národná (Miscellaneous: From Náchod: Public people´s library) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1900 lists person
Ursule Hagen Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine 1900 None
Literarno pismo A literary letter Cankar, Ivan 1900 None
Doporučujeme k době vánoční antikvárně: Marlittová, E. skoro všechny spisy vázané i nevázané (We recommend for the Christmas time secondhand: Marlitt, almost all works hardbound and not hardbound) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1902 lists person
De winkeljuffrouw uit l’Oiseau d’Or – Chapeaux pour dames et enfants Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine 1903 None
Ouders en kinderen Suze La Chapelle - Roobol 1904 comments on person
Zeventien Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe 1904 None
Pisma Letters Kveder, Zofka 1904 None
Četrt stoletja slovenskemu slovstvu na braniku. K petindvajsetletnici Ljubljanskega zvona. Tominšek, Josip 1905 None
Nespodobna ljubezen Cankar, Ivan 1906 None
Za pouhých několik haléřů: ..., Marlittová, ... (For just a few Haler: ..., Marlitt, ...) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1906 lists person
De dochter The daughter Naeff, Top 1906 None
Verzwegen leed Swarth, Hélène 1908 None
Novo življenje Cankar, Ivan 1908 None
Het zonnetje van 't huis Hoven, Thérèse 1909 None
Trubadur Cankar, Ivan 1910 None
Een verloren leven Marie C.E. Ovink - Soer 1912 None
Právě vyšel první sešit W. Heiburgové (The new works by W. Heimburg have just appeared) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1913 lists person
Pravě vyšel: 1. sešit spisů W. Heimburgové (The works by Heimburgová have just appeared) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1913 lists person
Právě vyšel 1. sešit spisů W. Heimburgové (Has just come out: the first part of the works by W. Heimburg) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1913 lists person
Zanimivosti iz nemškega slovstva Curiosities from German Literature Pregelj, Ivan 1915 comments on person
Art. in De Vrouw about Marlitt and Werner Ida Sarah Heijermans 1916 comments on person
*H.v.d.L., art. over Gevoel en Verstand [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1923 None
In de nevelen Jeanne Reyneke van Stuwe , Stuwe, Eline van 1923 comments on person
Over mooie boeken. Letterkundige opstellen Salomons, Anna Maria Francisca 1926 None
Indië en Europa Helsdingen Schoevers, Beata van 1929 None
De wonderbare genezing. The miraculous healing Marianne Philips 1929 None
Ve třech pohybech (In three movements) UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1929 comments on person
Čtivo in naša dekleta Reading matter and our girls Marica Nadlišek Bartol 1930 None
Vrouwenspiegel: een literair-sociologische studie over de Nederlandse romanschrijfster na 1880 Romein Verschoor, Annie 1936 comments on person
Goud-Elsje Max de Lange Praamsma 1946 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992: Wrote stories in instalments for the popular journal Gartenlaube, whose circulation doubled as a result. - ADB - Hans Arens: E. Marlitt: Eine kritische Würdigung, 1994 (ust August 2012) - Cornelia Bauer: Eugenie Marlitt - Bürgerliche, Christin, Liberale, Autorin (ust August 2012) - Jutta Schönberg: Frauenrolle und Roman, 1986 (ust august 2012) - Cornelia Hobohm, Die Bestsellerautorin Marlitt, 2010 (ust august 2012) - Kosch - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011 - Woodford, Charlotte, Schofield, Benedict, The German bestseller in the late nineteenth century
Her works usually first appeared in the journal "Gartenlaube" and in the year after that as a novel. We find translations into Czech, English, French. Portuguese, Spanish, etc. Some of these translations were based on the publications in Gartenlaube, therefore they appeared in translation before they appeared as a book in German. Also mentioned in Carton 1886, p. 248 (I think) svdfeb12 To be added as soon as the link to Goldelse works again: reception of Goldelse, Kramerius,, Zlatovláska, in Moravská orlice, 1885, vol. 23, p. 10, (advertisment). US24Oct2014. To be addes as soon as Die Frau mit den Karfunkelsteinen can be accessed: Advertisement: Národní politika, vol. 15, p. 20, Kramerius, Add as soon as link to Goldelse works again: Národní politika, vol. 15, p. 20, Kramerius,, Zlatovláska To be added as soon as the link to Die Frau mit den Karfunkelsteinen works: Kramerius,, Národní politika, 1895, p. 21, advertisement for Czech translation. US25Oct2013. Add to Goldelse once link works: Zlatovláska, Národní Politika, 1895, p. 21, Vol. 13, Kramerius Add to Goldelse once link works: Kramerius:, Národní Politika, vol. 13, p. 17 Also to Goldelse, 1897: Also Karfunkelsteine 1879, Add to Goldelse: Zlatovláska, Kramerius, Národní Politika, vol. 15, p. 24, 1897, Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius, Národní Politika, 1897 Add to Goldelse: Zlatovlaska, Národní Politika, 1897, vol. 15, 17.10.1897, Kramerius Add to Karfunkel: Kramerius Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, Morvská orlice 1885 Add to Goldelse: Národní politika, vol. 15, 31.10.1897, p. 13, Add to Karfunkelsteine: Národní Politika, vol. 15, p. 13, 31.10.1897, Kramerius Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, 11.3.1894 Add to Goldelse: Kramerius, 6.1.1895 Add to Karfunkel: Kramerius, 28.11.1897 Add to Goldelse: Kramerius 3.10.1897 Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius, 3.10.1897 Add to Goldelse: Karmerius 6.1.1901 Add to Karfunkelsteine: Kramerius 6.1.1901, Add to Goldelse:, 12.12.1897 Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 12.12.1897 Add to Goldelse:, 2.2.1901 Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 2.2. 1901 Add to Goldelse:, 4.4.1897 Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 4.4.1897 Add to Karfunkelsteine:, 25.10.1891 KLK 1904 KLK 1915