Cornelia Lubbertina van der Weyde (1767 - 1808)

Short name Cornelia Lubbertina van der Weyde
First name Cornelia Lubbertina
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Cornelia Lubbertina des Villates - van der Weyde
Date of birth 1767
Date of death 1808
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD)
Place of death Leiden (Zuid-Holland)
Lived in Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD) , Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) , Netherlands , Burgsteinfurt (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU) , Warmond (Zuid-Holland)
Place of residence notes
Related to Zuylekom, Maria van
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Lauwerkrans 1997, p. 76, 715, 759-762. - Ter Laan 1941see link DBNL - Marleen de Vries, in: De Haas, Achter slot en grendel - Heinmeyer We-Wu 93, 162 online-portrait in DVN
Provisional Notes NOT MENTIONED IN: van den Berg/Couttenier 2009 svdaug09. Married to Jean Henri des Villates (1757-1797), a lawyer and publisher, in 1795 (The Hague). Cornelia voluntarily locked herself in with her fiance when he was in prison, where they wrote novels together. (DVN) Had three children. Son Jan Hendrik died 4 months after birth (1791). Both he and Henriette Cornelia (1794) were born out of wedlock. Maria Jacoba (1795) died soon after birth as well. (DVN). checkedJuly2017svd AdresATM: Hoogstraat
Religion / ideology Protestant
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Den Haag (Zuid-Holland, NLD) , Amsterdam (Noord-Holland, NLD) , Netherlands , Burgsteinfurt (Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU) , Warmond (Zuid-Holland)