Dóll-Egges, Catharina (17XX - 1824)

Short name Dóll-Egges, Catharina
First name Catharina
Birth name Dóll-Egges
Married name
Date of birth 17XX
Date of death 1824
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Wijdenes (Noord-Holland)
Place of death Amsterdam
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Dóll-Egges, Catharina was ...
related to Dóll-Egges, Catharina Maria
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Author of
Receptions of Dóll-Egges, Catharina, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
P.J. Buijnsters, Utrecht 1987, dl II, p. 817-818 Zengers 2003
Married to Willem Climmer Cloek (1740-1769) in 1767; remarried to Jan Dóll (1742-1781) in 1770. (DVN) 5 children (Johannes, Hendrik, Catharina) Lived in Haarlem (Noord-Holland, NLD) Medemblik (Noord-Holland, NLD) Wijdenes (Noord-Holland, NLD) Sold books and was a publisher. Edited and published in Almanak voor vrouwen door vrouwen; cf. Zengers 2003 = Editor of and Contributor to periodical press? Zij publiceerde werk van o.a.: Moens, Wolff en Deken, Geertruida Maria de Cambon-van der Werken, Maria van Zuylekom, Adriana van Overstraten, Rebekka Dresselaer-Ooremans, Maria Petronella Woesthoven, Cornelia Anna Nozeman, Anna Barbara van Meerten-Schilperoort, Katharina Bilderdijk-Schweickhardt en Fenna Mastenbroek. geprobeerd om Mary Wollstonecraft, A vindication of the rights of woman (1792), en in 1798 Mary, or The wrongs of woman (1798) in vertaling te publiceren - niet gelukt (Everard) checkedJuly2017svd