Jane Welsh Carlyle (1801 - 1866)

Short name Jane Welsh Carlyle
First name Jane
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Jane Baillie Welsh
Date of birth 1801
Date of death 1866
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Scotland
Place of death England
Lived in Scotland
Place of residence notes
Related to Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury , Anna Brownell Jameson
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes Died in London. She married the historian Thomas Carlyle in 1826. She is celebrated as one of the greatest letter writers in the English language (corresp. with Jewsbury published in 1892, by Mrs Alexander Ireland). Romantic friendship with Geraldine Jewsbury (see link to article). Edits protocol: MCL June2014 HERA KLK 1904
Religion / ideology
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Née Jane Baillie Welsh
Place(s) of Residence Scotland
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