Olive Schreiner (1855 - 1920)

Short name Olive Schreiner
First name Olive
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Ralph Iron
Date of birth 1855
Date of death 1920
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth South Africa
Place of death South Africa
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Related to Eleanor Marx , Aletta Jacobs
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011 - Online text of Dreams (see work) includes a picture of the author.
Provisional Notes Born in South-africa, also died there; but she was English and also lived in England. Schrijfster tussen twee culturen? (SP, june 2005). Met Aletta Jacobs in 1911; correspondence with Netscher in KB The Hague. Translation published in Dutch periodical for girls Hollandsche Lelie. According to “Ontluikende Lelies” IIAV 1995 Protocol: MCL Aug2014 HERA Edited MNS16 KLK 1904 KLK 1915 MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, p.188ss: New Woman
Religion / ideology
Education Educated at home
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Memberships The Men and Women's Club
Place(s) of Residence England
Commented on in
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