Wendla Randelin (1823 - 1906)

Short name Wendla Randelin
First name Wendla
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Wendela
Date of birth 1823
Date of death 1906
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Finland
Place of residence notes
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Provisional Notes Vendla Randelin was a daugter of a priest. She studied for some time in Turku in a pension. She married the mayor of Uusikaupunki but widowed already 35 years old. Luckily she inherited the mansion of her uncle. Her publisher probably proposed for her that she should write a book because Swedish female writers were succcessful and much red in Finland. She wrote only one novel. Jwapr14
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Cumenius (maiden name)
Place(s) of Residence Finland
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