Zuylekom, Maria van (1759 - 1831)

Short name Zuylekom, Maria van
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/289529103/
First name Maria
Birth name Zuylekom
Married name
Alternative name Maria de Witte van Haemstede -van Zuylekom
Date of birth 1759
Date of death 1831
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Den Haag
Place of death Den Haag
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Memberships Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt , Other : Literary society
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Zuylekom, Maria van, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1792 None
*Lemma in Nieuw biografisch ... woordenboek Aa, Abraham Jakob van der 1846 comments on person
*Lemma in Biografisch woordenboek Branden, Frans Josef Peter van den , J. G. Frederiks 1888 comments on person
*Mention in Het aandeel der vrouw [...] Maurits Basse 1920 None
https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/vrouwenlexicon/lemmata/data/Zuylekom MENTIONED IN: - Zengers 2003 - Ter Laan 1941 see link DBNL - Lauwerkrans 1997, p. 83, 86, 172, 715-720, 759. - Heinemeyer We-Wu 481
Maria was married to writer Jacob Eduard de Witte. Together they wrote the novel 'Henriëtte van Grandpré' (1789). NOT MENTIONED IN: van den Berg/Couttenier 2009 svdaug09 Born in Tedingerbroek (now The Hague). Lived in Alkmaar (Noord-Holland, NLD) Haarlem (Noord-Holland, NLD) Oss (Noord-Brabant, NLD) Rosmalen (Noord-Brabant, NLD) Zaltbommel (Gelderland, NLD) Zuidlaren (Drenthe, NLD) 4 Children (Jan Eduard (m), Johanna Maria Agnita (f), Johanna Henriette Adriana (f), Johannes Lodewijk (m). Her third daughter, Johanna, became the mother of J.J.L. ten Kate (Lauwerkrans, p. 715) (SP) Married to Jacob Eduard de Witte (1763-1853) in Rosmalen (1790). Baptized in Voorburg. Published in "Almanak voor vrouwen door vrouwen"; cf. Zengers 2003. Published in Dichtlauren voor Neerlandsch Helden; cf VLO 1794. Wrote and published together with her husband Jacob Eduard de Witte. Member of the poetry society Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt (The Hague, 1788) and the society Vlijt is de Voedster der Wetenschappen (Utrecht, 1789). In 1791 Maria van Zuylekom was expelled from Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt, possibly because her husband had registered Adriana van Overstraten and Petronella Moens as members of the society. Both authors did not appreciate this, and in response the society expelled Maria, since her husband was not a member of the society himself. (DVN) Her mother died in childbirth. checkedJuly2017svd UtrechtUnesco