Němcová, Božena (1820 - 1862)

Short name Němcová, Božena
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/56763450/
First name Božena
Birth name Panklová
Married name
Alternative name Ludmila z Hradku , Stepan Danieli , Bozhena Nemtsova , Barbora Panklova
Date of birth 1820
Date of death 1862
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Wien
Place of death Prague
Lived in Austro-Hungarian Empire , Czech Republic , Bohemia (region)
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Place(s) of Residence Austro-Hungarian Empire , Czech Republic , Bohemia (region)
Receptions of Němcová, Božena, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Slovstvo češko Czech Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1855 comments on person
Glasnik literarni The Literary Herald Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1859 None
Besednik Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1862 None
Priporočilo novih knjig New Book Recommendations Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1862 None
Besednik Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1862 is obituary of
Nekoliko verstic duhovskim in deželskim učiteljem po kmetih [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1866 comments on person
Cvetje iz domačih in tujih logov Flowers from Home and Abroad Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1867 None
Narodna biblioteka The National Library Levec, Fran 1884 None
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1884 None
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1885 None
Nove knjige slovenske New Slovenian books Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1885 None
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1886 None
Pogled po slovanskem svetu A View Across the Slavic World Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1888 None
Češko slovstvo Czech Literature Stjepan Zagorac , Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1889 None
Književnost Literature Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1890 None
Češko slovstvo Czech Literature Stjepan Zagorac 1891 None
Fran Cegnar Fran Cegnar Gregor Jereb 1892 None
Ogled po slovanskem svetu (Fran Cegnar) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1892 None
Češko slovstvo. Slovstveni paberki s Češkega. Czech Literature Josef Tumpach 1893 None
Dnevne vesti (Spominska plošča Boženi Nemcovi) Daily News (Memorial Plaque for Božena Němcová) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1895 None
Slovanska knjižnica. Sn. 36. Slavic Library. Vol. 36. Bernik, Valentin 1895 None
Album čeških žen: Zofija Podlipska The album of Czech women: Sofie Podlipská Zavadil, Antonin 1898 None
Božena Němcová in Matija Majar Božena Němcová and Matija Majar Kunšič, Ivan 1898 comments on person
Iz pisem Božene Němcové From the Letters of Božena Němcová Dermota, Anton 1898 comments on person
Album čeških žen: Božena Němcová The Album of Czech Women: Božena Němcová Zavadil, Antonin 1899 comments on person
Album čeških žen: Božena Němcová The Album of Czech Women: Božena Němcová Zavadil, Antonin 1899 quotes person
Mnogoženstvo in enoženstvo Polygamy and Monogamy Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk 1899 None
Še nekaj črtic iz življenja Svetle More sketches from the life of Světlá Zavadil, Antonin 1899 None
Karolina Svetla Karolina Světlá Kristan, Anton 1899 None
Album čeških žen — Frančiška Stranecka The Album of Czech Women - Františka Stránecká Zavadil, Antonin 1900 None
Jan Lego Jan Lego Aškerc, Anton 1903 None
Djevojački sviet The World of Girls Barle, Janko 1903 None
„Djevojački sviet" "The World of Girls" Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1903 None
Djevojački sviet "The World of Girls" Tominšek, Josip 1903 None
Jubilejno izdanje „Babice" The Anniversary Edition of "Grandmother" Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1904 None
Božena Němcová, Češke pravljice Božena Němcová, Czech Fairy Tales Šlebinger, Janko 1912 None
Apostolica Female Apostle *V., Vera 1912 is biography of
Božena Nemcova: Češke pravljice Božena Němcová: Czech Fairy Tales Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1912 comments on person
Češke pravljice Czech Fairy Tales Govekar, Fran 1912 None
Češka literatura v novem stoletju Czech Literature in the New Century Novák, Arne 1914 None
Književna poročila (Dr. Jos. Karásek, Počátky literárních styků češko-slovinských) Literary Reports Šlebinger, Janko 1915 None
Eliška Krasnohorska Eliška Krásnohorská Lah, Ivan 1918 None
Božena Němcová Prijatelj, Ivan 1923 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Golitsyn, Slovar', 1892 - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 781 - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, 118 - De Haan a.o., A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms. Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries. CEU press, 2006. Lexikon ceske literatury 3/I M- O, Praha 2000, pp.475-484. Cf. - Rudinsky: first major Czech woman prose writer (123) - Walle, Marianne - Roth, Susanne - Iggers, Wilma - Slovník českých spisovatelů, Nakladatelství libri, Praha 2005, 472-473 - Slovník českých spisovatelů, Praha 1964, 34. - Lucienne Mazenod, Ghislaine Schoeller: Dictionnaire des femmes célèbres. Paris 1992, pp. 635 - 636. Bibliography: Lehar, Jan, Stich, Alexandr, Janačková, Jaroslava, Holy, Jiří: Česka literatura od počátku do dneska, Praha 1998, pp. 214-242 Božena Němcová. K 140 výročí umrtí. (n. 34) (ed. E. Wolfová and others). Památnik národního pisemnictví 2002. Šmahelová, Hana: Autor a subjekt v dile Boženy Němcové. Prague: Karolinum 1995. Božena Němcová, život - dílo - doba. Česká skalice: Muzeum Boženy Němcové 2005. Janačková, Jaroslava: Příbechy - situace - obrazy, Prague 2007. Božena Němcová a její Babička (ed. Karel Piorecky), Prague: Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR 2006. Influence of George Sand to Nemcova`s work: Krejčí, Karel: Božena Němcová a světová literatura. In: Božena Němcová - paní našeho času, Prague: Panorama1986. Haskovec, Prokop Miloslav: Byla George Sand v Čechach? Brno 1925. Kopal, Josef: George Sandova a Božena Němcova, Prague 1937. Haman Aleš: Božena Němcová v evropskem kontextu. In: Božena Němcová, život - dílo - doba. Česká skalice: Muzeum Boženy Němcové 2005. Influence of Jane Austen to Nemcova`s work: Bryner, Cyril, Božena Němcova and Jane Austin, VI. Congress of slavists in Prague in 1968, Canadian papers. About her correspondence: Janačkova, Jaroslava: Řeč dopisů, řeč v dopisech Boženy Němcové, Prague 2001. Rimalová Saicová, Lucie: Komunikačni strategie v dopisech Boženy Němcové, Prague: Karolinum 2005.
NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992. 1837 ARRANGER_MARIAGE Of Czech German origin. She spent her childhood in the Bohemian countryside near the estate in which her father worked. She was married formally at seventeen to an Austrian customs official - clerk Josef Němec, fifteen years her senior and quickly bore him four children. Her husband’s work carried her to the border regions of Bohemia and Slovakia. Because of his Czech nationalism he suffered dismissals and also his wife Božena Němcová was for some years followed by Austrian police. For some time she lived without her husband in Prague, than he returned jobless and in the last years the family was poor and Němcová with her writing was the only supporter of the family. At the end Němcová, mentally and emotionally exhausted, finally decided to leave her husband. It was too late and she died in 1862. Living by her pen with 4 children. The most productive time of Božena Němcová were the fifties (19. Century), when the conditions in Czech culture were very restricted. The Austrian government tried to carry out an inner reorganisation and restoration of the multinational Austrian empire. That was also the time of neoabsolutism in the Habsburg monarchy, post-revolutionary period, when the slightest expressions of non-loyalty towards the regime were immediately suppressed and the state repressive machinery persecuted undesirables. Also Božena Němcová was controlled by the police. MENTIONED IN: - Offen, European feminisms, 2000, 118