Behn, Aphra (1640 - 1689)

Short name Behn, Aphra
First name Aphra
Birth name Behn
Married name Behn
Alternative name Ann Behn , Mrs. Bean , Astraea
Date of birth 1640
Date of death 1689
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Kent
Place of death Westminster (London)
Lived in England , Antwerpen
Place of residence notes Possibly spent time in Surinam
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Behn, Johan 1664-1665
Behn, Aphra was ...
Place(s) of Residence England , Antwerpen
Receptions of Behn, Aphra, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Peter Lely, Portrait of Aphra Behn, c. 1670, Yale Center for British Art Lely, Peter 1670 is portrait of
The Beauties of Biography UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] 1777 is biography of
Het leeven van mejuffrouw Aphra Behn The life of Miss Aphra Behn Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1798 is biography of
"Essai historique sur la poesie anglaise et sur les poetes anglais vivans" Philarète Chasles 1821 None
De l'Influence des femmes Mongellaz, Fanny 1828 is biography of
Gosselin, Charles (see below) [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] 1828 None
*titel opzoeken Mundt, Klara 1849 is biography of
*The Intellectual Status of Women Woolf, Virginia 1920 None
A Room of One's Own Woolf, Virginia 1929 comments on person
Vrouwenspiegel: een literair-sociologische studie over de Nederlandse romanschrijfster na 1880 Romein Verschoor, Annie 1936 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Beauvoir, Deuxième sexe, 1949 (ed.Folio 1976, p. 182) - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) I, 13. - Stevenson, in Weissbort/Eysteinsson, Translation - Theory and Practice 2009, 138 Cf. - Mary Ann O'Donnell, Aphra Behn: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources (New York: Garland, 1986; second edition forthcoming, London: Ashgate, 2000). - Simon 1996, p.52: Her writing career indeed marks the beginning of a new discursive regime for women. - Jane Spencer, Aphra Behn's Afterlife. Oxford, 2000: Behn's reception history throughout the eighteenth century (England)
first professional woman writer (according to Spender 1992, p.39); translator from French - l'abbé de Tallement (cf Elizabeth Spearing, The politics of translation, in Aphra Behn studies 1996), and also: Sherry Simon, Gender in translation. 1996, p.53-58. Spy in the service of Charles II