Francijntje de Boer (1784 - 1852)

Short name Francijntje de Boer
First name Francijntje
Birth name Boer
Married name
Date of birth 1784
Date of death 1852
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Harlingen (Friesland)
Place of death Heerenveen (Friesland)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Francijntje de Boer was ...
related to Fenna Mastenbroek
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands
Receptions of Francijntje de Boer, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
*Mention in Aan de Vaderlandsche Vrouwen Petronella Moens 1820 is dedicated to
Iets over Fenna Mastenbroek Meerten-Schilperoort, Anna Barbara van 1826 None
*Lemma in Nieuwe Friesche Volksalmanak Eekhoff, Wopke 1864 comments on person
Onze dichters (art. in De Portefeuille) Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1882 None
*Lemma in Biografisch woordenboek Branden, Frans Josef Peter van den , J. G. Frederiks 1888 comments on person
*Mention in Het aandeel der vrouw [...] Maurits Basse 1920 None
MENTIONED IN: - Basse I 117 - Saalmink 1993 (5 titels; I, 255) - Lauwerkrans 1997, p. 10, 11, 49, 79, 742, 751, 789, 802, 813-817. - Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon (DVN online-portrait)
NOT MENTIONED IN: - van den Berg/Couttenier 2009 svdaug09 Born 18 october 1784 in Harlingen Died 7 march 1852 in Heerenveen. Contributor to Almanak voor Dienstboden, VLO 1840-1, p. 48. materiaal in Letterkundig museum (1 brief) checkedJuly2017svd voorbeeldensvd