Francijntje de Boer (1784 - 1852)

Short name Francijntje de Boer
First name Francijntje
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1784
Date of death 1852
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Harlingen (Friesland, NLD)
Place of death Heerenveen (Friesland, NLD)
Lived in Netherlands
Place of residence notes
Related to Fenna Mastenbroek
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Basse I 117 - Saalmink 1993 (5 titels; I, 255) - Lauwerkrans 1997, p. 10, 11, 49, 79, 742, 751, 789, 802, 813-817. - Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon (DVN online-portrait)
Provisional Notes NOT MENTIONED IN: - van den Berg/Couttenier 2009 svdaug09 Born 18 october 1784 in Harlingen Died 7 march 1852 in Heerenveen. Contributor to Almanak voor Dienstboden, VLO 1840-1, p. 48. materiaal in Letterkundig museum (1 brief) checkedJuly2017svd voorbeeldensvd
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands