Zdenka Hásková (1878 - 1946)

Short name Zdenka Hásková
First name Zdenka
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Zdenka Dýková , Václav Urbánek
Date of birth 1878
Date of death 1946
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death Czech Republic
Lived in Czech Republic
Place of residence notes
Related to Helena Malířová , Zofka Kveder , Růžena Svobodová , Miloslava Sísová
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Lexikon české literatury. Díl 2/I. Praha 1993, s. 85 - BOROTOVÁ, Milena. Viktor Dyk, Zdenka Dyková-Hásková - literární pozůstalost : [Soupis]. Praha : Lit. archiv Nár. muzea, 1958. Libuse Heckova, Píšící Minervy, Vybrané kapitoly z dějin české literární kritiky , Prague, 2009
Provisional Notes Years via Google - to be checked connection mentioned by Jensterle 2012 svdmar12 Translator and critic of Zofka Kveder´s work.(A.Jensterle-Doležal - Jasna Honzak Jahič (edd.), Zofka Kveder (1878-1926), Praha: Slovanska knihovna - Narodní knihovna ČR, 2008. Alenka Jensterle-Doležal, 19.2.2013 5TrSchoolFeb13 Alenka Jensterle-Dolezal, 21.2.2013 5TrSchoolFeb13 NOT MENTIONED IN: - Guide to women's literature, 1992 Translator from Slovene, - translator from Croat, - translator from Serbian language. Collaboration/connections with male authors : Viktor Dyk (connected more than 30 years). After his death she took care about the interpreting and publishing his work. Member of editorial boards: newspaper Pražské noviny, 1910-1918, Československá republika, 1918-1926.
Religion / ideology Catholic
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Dýková
Memberships Of editorial boards
Place(s) of Residence Czech Republic
Commented on in
Mentioned in
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