Elizabeth de With (1700~ - 1780~)

Short name Elizabeth de With
First name Elizabeth
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1700~
Date of death 1780~
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Netherlands
Place of death Netherlands
Lived in Netherlands , Utrecht (region, NLD)
Place of residence notes
Related to Henriëtte Elizabeth de With , Bernardina Jacoba de With
Bibliography -
Provisional Notes DVN geeft aan 1750 als geboorte datum, maar als zij zus moet zijn met Henriëtte Elizabeth de With klopt dat niet. JWS feb 2005. Eventueel = Henriëtte? [check in DBNL de 2 zusters gaven samen werk uit van 3e zus Katharina J. svd sept 2005] - DVN indicates c.1750 as date of birth, but if she is the sister of Henriëtte Elizabeth de With, this is not possible. JWS feb 2005. Possibly: Henriëtte? - Published together with her sister Bernardina(?) the poems of their sister Henriëtte Elizabeth. Utrecht Years unsure.
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Netherlands , Utrecht (region, NLD)
Author of