Bashkirtseff, Marie (1858 - 1884)

Short name Bashkirtseff, Marie
First name Marie
Birth name Bashkirtseff
Married name
Alternative name Mariya Bashkirtseva , Pauline Orrel
Date of birth 1858
Date of death 1884
Birth date Notes 12-11-1858 (or born 1859 or 1860?)
Death date Notes 31-10-1884
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Poltava
Place of death Paris
Lived in Ukraine , Italy , France
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Bashkirtseff, Marie was ...
Place(s) of Residence Ukraine , Italy , France
Receptions of Bashkirtseff, Marie, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
En rysk konstnärinnä A russian (female)artist Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1886 is biography of
Pariser-krönika The Parisian chronicle Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1887 is biography of
Marie Bashkirtseff Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1892 is biography of
Marie Bashkirtseff's Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1895 is biography of
*Art. in De Gids Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1899 None
Drömmen A dream Jane Elise Vilhelmina Gernandt - Claine 1901 None
Uutta ulkomaalaista kirjallisuutta New literature from abroad Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1904 None
Een ongewoon meisje (Marie Basjkirtsef) Johan de Meester 1907 is biography of
Maupassant och Marie Bashkirtseff Maupassant and Marie Bashkirtseff Bergman, Bo 1907 is biography of
Larmets slavar Slaves of noise Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1908 is biography of
Ruščina, ruska literatura in drugo Russian Language, Russian Literature and Other Lah, Ivan 1912 None
Ett tidigt skövlat konstnärsliv An early desolated artist life Flora Helena (Ellen) Nervander 1921 is biography of
Om vartannat About each and other Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1923 None
Kvinnofrågor i Köpenhamn Feminism in Copenhagen Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1924 quotes person
Kevätnäyttelyitä Pariisissa Spring exhibitions in Paris Onerva, Hilja Lehtinen 1925 None
Moussia ou la vie et la mort de Marie Bashkirtseff Moussia or the life and death of Marie Bashkirtseff Cahuet, Albéric 1926 is biography of
Le Rappel à l' Ordre Jean Cocteau 1926 None
Otteita Jean Cocteau'n kirjasta "Le Rappel à L´Orde" Quotes from Jean Cocteau's book "Le Rappel à L' Orde" Unknown editor (to be identified) 1927 None
En intervju med Ivan Petrovitz i Rex Ingrams filmstad utanför Nizza An interview with Ivan Petrovitz in the film town of Rex Ingram outside Nice Born, Elsa von 1928 None
Maria Wiik Ståhlberg, Ester 1929 None
Poika Parisista A boy from Paris Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1930 None
Andrée, Niininen och Gripenberg äro de främsta i julfloden Andrée, Niininen and Gripenberg are the foremost in Christmas stream Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1930 None
Marie Bashkirtseff, hänen elämänsä ja kuolemansa Marie Bashkirtseff, her life and death Raoul af Hällström 1930 is biography of
"Staden bakom Guds rygg" "The city behind the back of God Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1931 None
Marie Bashkirtseff. En vision i vitt och en dröm om ryktbarhet Marie Bashkirtseff. A vision in white and a dream of fame Sparre, Birgit Thomaeus 1931 is biography of
"Moussia et ses amis" - ett nytt dokument om Marie Bashkirtseff Moussia and her friends - a new document of Marie Bashkirtseff Born, Elsa von 1931 is biography of
*Letter to Greshoff mentioning Charrière E. du Perron 1932 None
Lakastuva taide - onko kirjeiden kirjoittaminen "taiteena" kuollut Fading art - is the art of writing letters deceased Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1932 None
Var hon Maupassants älskarinna? Was she the mistress of Maupassant? Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1936 comments on person
"Pyhä Marie Bashkirtseff, uuden Montparnassen suojeluspyhimys" "Saint Marie Bashkirtseff, the new patron saint of Montparnasse" Raoul af Hällström 1936 is biography of
Maria Wiik. En biografisk studie Maria Wiik. A biografical study Helena Westermarck 1937 None
Återuppväckta minnen Newly found memories Barlöwen, Eugenie von 1938 is biography of
Unknown author, portrait of Marie Bashkirtseff, c. 1882 None is portrait of
MENTIONED IN: - Golitsyn, Slovar', 1892 - Larnac, 1921 p. 234 CHECK-------- - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 - Offen, European Feminisms, 2000 - Celebration of Women Writers
went to Paris 1877 to paint. Lived in Nice, Paris, Poltava (Ukraine), Rome. Died of tuberculosis at age 25 or 26. Painter (and also sculptor), posthumously published diary. Much of her art lost during WWII. KLK 1904 KLK 1915