Charlotte Charke (1713 - 1760)

Short name Charlotte Charke
First name Charlotte
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1713
Date of death 1760
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
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Bibliography Morgan, Fidelis. The Well Known Trouble Maker: A Life of Charlotte Charke. London: Faber and Faber, 1988.
Provisional Notes Daughter of the actor-manager, poet laureate Colley Cibber. She married violinist Richard Charke, but the marriage failed. She worked in Henry Fielding's rival theatre company and ridiculed her father. The Fielding companies exploits led in great part to the 1737 Theatre Licensing Act, which was to plague Charke's subsequent career. She set up many evasive ways of putting on plays without a license, but was frequently driven from London by debt. She married twice and traveled the country disguised as Mr Brown with her 'wife', Mrs Brown. She died age 47 in utter poverty in 1760. -- Lived in Middlesex, Hertfordshire. Well educated. Learning foreign languages: Latin, Italian. Academic studies. -- Actress, playwright, novelist, theatre manager, pupeteer,and sausage seller. Her career started at the top and went downhill ever after. Her inventive evasions of the 1737 Theatre Acts kept her working as a puppeteer who did Shakepeare and later as an itinerant player in the regions. Her books and plays deal mainly with the things which infuriated her: injustice, the overbearing nature of patriarchs and the unfairness of family life. travel travestie. Connections to: - poet/ actor manager/ play writer, Colley Cibber (her father) - Violinist, Richard Charke( her husband)
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence England
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