Juana de la Cruz (1481 - 1534)

Short name Juana de la Cruz
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/13196083/
First name Juana
Maiden name
Married name
Date of birth 1481
Date of death 1534
Birth date Notes 03-05
Death date Notes 03-05
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Alternative gender Female
Place of birth Toledo (ESP)
Place of death Toledo (ESP)
Lived in Toledo (ESP)
Place of residence notes Beaterio (convent) of Santa María de la Cruz de La Sagra
Related to -
Bibliography Juana de la Cruz Vázquez y Gutiérrez (known as Juana de la Cruz) was a Spanish abbess of the Franciscan Third Order Regular that lived between 1481 and 1534. Known to be a mystic as well as a visionary, she is counted among one of the most influential religious women prior to Saint Teresa of Ávila (d. 1582), who acquired reputations for holiness in her own times. She lived in the Beaterio (convent) of Santa María de la Cruz de La Sagra (Toledo, Spain), a community of Franciscan tertiaries founded in 1464. Soon after her dead she was proclaimed a saint by the popular acclaim of the townspeople, although she has not been officially canonized.
Provisional Notes -
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title Abbess
Marital status
Place(s) of Residence Toledo (ESP)
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