Dunca - Schiau, Constanta (1843 - 1924)

Short name Dunca - Schiau, Constanta
VIAF http://viaf.org/viaf/10150170390100010309
First name Constanta
Birth name Dunca - Schiau
Married name
Alternative name Constantia Dunca de Sajo
Date of birth 1843
Date of death 1924
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth -
Place of death -
Lived in Romania , Paris , Vienne , France
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Dunca - Schiau, Constanta was ...
related to Cuntan, Maria
Place(s) of Residence Romania , Paris , Vienne , France
Receptions of Dunca - Schiau, Constanta, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
MENTIONED IN: - Dicționarul literaturii române de la origini pînă la 1900, București: Ed. Academiei, 1979
Year of death supposition. Daughter of a Moldavian 'grand avocat'. Studied in Vienna and Paris, at the College de France. She obtained a certificat in 'hautes études' and for courses of pedagogy (1862). Married to imperial counselor Antoniu de Schiau in Transylvania. One of the first Romanian women journalists. Collaborates with the French journals from a very early stage of her career. Returned to the country, she dedicates herself to organizing the education system for girls; leader of the feminist movement in Romania. Starting 15 March 1863, she become editor-in-chief of the „Amicul familiei”, magazine. Translator Information about translations from Ileana Mihaila. cbd im: still alive in 1905 Other pseudonyms listed for this author: E. D’Albon, Camille d’Alb. NOT MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992