Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović (1840 - 1871)

Short name Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović
First name Draga
Maiden name
Married name
Alternative name Draga D-ća
Date of birth 1840
Date of death 1871
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Serbia
Place of death Bečej
Lived in Novi Sad (Vojvodina, SRB)
Place of residence notes
Related to -
Bibliography MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 (dates: 1843-1870) - De Haan et al., Biographical dictionary - Jovan Deretić, "Istorija srpske književnosti", Beograd; "History of serbian literature", Belgrade 1983 (first edition), 2002 (extended edition). - Biljana Dojčinović, GendeRingS. "Gendered readings in Serbian Women's Writing". Beograd, 2006 Cf. - Jovan Skerlić, "Omladina i njena književnost", prvo izdanje 1906; "Youth and its literature", first published 1906. - Julka Hlapec-Djordjević, Omladinka Draga Dejanović [Omladina member Draga Dejanović (in:) eadem, Studije i eseji o feminizmu I [Studies and essays on feminism I], Beograd 1935 [Belgrade 1935, first edition] - Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the shadows: women and verbal art in Serbia and Bosnia, 2000 (online in google books) - Magdalena Koch, ...Kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura... Tworczosć pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon-genre-gender) [...when we mature as a culture...Early 20th-century Serbian women's writings (canon-genre-gender)], Wroclaw 2007, p. 36-41.
Provisional Notes mk 11th October 2010 mk 13 Oct. 2010 translated from which language ??? svdmar12 Her father Zivojin Dimitrijević was a rIch lawyer from Voyvodina. Health : Died after giving birth to a daughter (5thTrainingSchoolFeb2013) - Died in childbirth.
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Marital status
Spouse Dimitrijević
Place(s) of Residence Novi Sad (Vojvodina, SRB)