Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović (1840 - 1871)

Short name Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović
First name Draga
Birth name Dimitrijević Dejanović
Married name
Alternative name Draga D-ća
Date of birth 1840
Date of death 1871
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Serbia
Place of death Bečej
Lived in Novi Sad (Vojvodina)
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Eastern Orthodox
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović was ...
Place(s) of Residence Novi Sad (Vojvodina)
Receptions of Draga Dimitrijević Dejanović, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
Грађа за историју српског народног позоришта у Београду Maletić, Đorđe 1884 comments on person
Фати Султан [TO BE CHECKED] М. Миладиновић 1923 comments on person
Милица Стојадиновић Српкиња и Драга Дејановић о женама Radmila S. Petrović 1930 comments on person
Омладинка Драга Дејановић 1935 comments on person
Studije i eseji o feminizmu [Studies and Essays on Feminism ] Hlapec Djordjević, Julka 1935 None
Пркос малограђанским предрасудама: Драга Димитријевић-Дејановић, глумица, песникиња и једна од првих српских феминисткиња 1992 comments on person
Наша жена у књижевном стварању 1994 comments on person
Портрет претходнице: Драга Димитријевић Дејановић 1998 comments on person
Драга Димитријевић Дејановић 1998 comments on person
Draga Dejanović 2000 comments on person
Драга Дејановић 2001 comments on person
Антологија „других“ српских романтичара grupa autora 2005 comments on person
Draga Dejanovic Ivana Pantelić [move to Sources] 2006 comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Buck, Guide to women's literature, 1992 (dates: 1843-1870) - De Haan et al., Biographical dictionary - Jovan Deretić, "Istorija srpske književnosti", Beograd; "History of serbian literature", Belgrade 1983 (first edition), 2002 (extended edition). - Biljana Dojčinović, GendeRingS. "Gendered readings in Serbian Women's Writing". Beograd, 2006 Cf. - Jovan Skerlić, "Omladina i njena književnost", prvo izdanje 1906; "Youth and its literature", first published 1906. - Julka Hlapec-Djordjević, Omladinka Draga Dejanović [Omladina member Draga Dejanović (in:) eadem, Studije i eseji o feminizmu I [Studies and essays on feminism I], Beograd 1935 [Belgrade 1935, first edition] - Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the shadows: women and verbal art in Serbia and Bosnia, 2000 (online in google books) - Magdalena Koch, ...Kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura... Tworczosć pisarek serbskich na poczatku XX wieku (kanon-genre-gender) [...when we mature as a culture...Early 20th-century Serbian women's writings (canon-genre-gender)], Wroclaw 2007, p. 36-41.
mk 11th October 2010 mk 13 Oct. 2010 translated from which language ??? svdmar12 Her father Zivojin Dimitrijević was a rIch lawyer from Voyvodina. Health : Died after giving birth to a daughter (5thTrainingSchoolFeb2013) - Died in childbirth.